Thursday, May 28, 2009

Moving On

I learned yesterday that next week will be my last appointment with my RE and then I will graduate to the OB! It is bittersweet. I am going to miss my weekly ultrasounds and all of the caring, wonderful people at the RE's office but I am excited to move on and go to the OB like any other pregnant woman. I am trying to think of something to bring to the office to show our appreciation for everything they have done for us, they have changed our lives and made our dream come true. How do you say Thank You for that?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Is That What I Think It Is????

We had a great appointment this morning! Baby looks great and is nice and healthy with a great heart rate of 166 beats per minute! We got great shots of the baby today, they had their little arms up by their face and we saw the umbilical cord, so cool! Baby didn't move around much though, probably sleeping. The tech asked us if we were going to find out what it was and of course we said YES! So she adjusted the camera a bit and we were looking at the legs, well there definately was a little something between the legs. She didn't say anything but put the cursor at it and said she wasn't sure what it was and it was way, way to early to tell anything, but I just feel in my gut that what we saw proves this baby is a boy. I am not going to go out and buy blue clothes or anything but I can't help but fantasize about a little boy running around! Bob's face was the cutest thing ever when he saw that, he just had this huge goofy grin and was giddy walking out of the office! I know that he wants a son so bad and I really hope that his dreams come true!

Dear God,
Thank you so much for watching over this little miracle that is growing. Please help him to continue to grow and thrive.
Alicia & Bob

Dear Baby,
Are you a boy? For some reason Mommy really feels deep in her heart that you are and I think Daddy does too! Either way we love you so much and can't wait to hold you in our arms! You are so special to us, you are our miracle and we will cherish you everyday for the rest of our lives!
Mommy & Daddy

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Wow - I am 10 weeks now (well as of yesterday)! Baby is now the size of a prune. I normally hate prunes but in this case I LOVE them! Baby has now completed the most critical part of the development. Baby is now in the fetal period and no longer considered an embryo! The fetal period is a time when the tissue and organs rapidly grow. Baby is now swallowing fluid and kicking up a storm although I can't feel it yet. I can't wait for that, I just hope I know what it is when it happens. Kidneys, intestines, brain and liver are all in place and starting to function but will continue to develop. The yolk sac is starting to disappear as it is no longer needed. Tiny nails are forming on the fingers and toes and peach fuzz of hair on the skin. Babies limbs can now bend and outline of the spine is clearly visable. What a wonderful miracle.

I got dressed for work this morning and the one pair of pants I had left for work that I could wear no longer button! So I am sitting here today with them unbuttoned and letting it all hang out - it's a beautiful site let me tell ya. Thank goodness for the belly band to cover up the unbuttoned pants or else I would be in trouble. I have a few pairs of maternity pants that I'll have to try on to see if they fit or are still too big. Speaking of maternity clothes - it really bothers me to spend money on them since I won't wear them for too long. Luckily my sister gave me some of hers but she won't part from a lot of them because she still wears them, haha! I think I am going to have to buy some more though because I barely have any and it is really getting difficult to find things to wear everyday! I think I am going to clean out my closet and put away everything that doesn't fit me then I won't be so depressed when I try something on in the mornings and it's too tight. I seriously think I cry every morning getting dressed. Not that I am complaining at all - I know that it is the hormones making this more of a big deal than it really is but I figure anything I can do to keep a break down away the better.

I will update after our weekly ultrasound tomorrow! Oh yea - I haven't had any naseau in 3 days! Woo Hoo!

Dear God,
Thank you for your continued blessings!
Alicia & Bob

Dear Baby,
We are so excited to see you tomorrow! I hope you are awake and are moving around for us!
We Love You!
Mommy & Daddy

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Seven Months

Seven months from today is my Due Date! I know it's still a long way away but every milestone is a big deal to me and I am going to thank God for each one. I am still in shock that I have been blessed to experience this miracle!

I have been feeling pretty good the past couple of days - I only get naseau between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. or when I don't eat for awhile. It used to be 24 hours of naseau! Also, I notice I am not as tired at night as I used to be, I can actually stay up past 8:00 p.m.! But 9:00 p.m. is still a streach! Baby steps, right?! I am bummed that our RE's office is closed on Memorial Day so instead of our weekly Monday ultrasounds, I have to wait until Wednesday. Just a couple of days I know but those couple of days sometimes seem like forever - what am I going to do once I start going to the OB and I don't get weekly ultrasounds!

Bob and I have been taking pictures of my belly every 2 weeks - I haven't downloaded them yet on my computer 0r even looked at them but I have a feeling our picture on Monday will definately look different - I can no longer button up any of my older pants! There was one or two pair that I could still button, but no more. Hopefully, I will get my tush in gear and download them soon and share. I also need to go over to my parent's to scan my ultrasound pictures to share.

Dear God,
Thank you so much for the blessings you have given us over the past 2 months! Please continue to watch over us and our baby!
Alicia & Bob

Dear Baby,
I can't believe in 7 months (or hopefully a few days sooner- take note of that), you will be in our arms! We cannot wait to see you and spoil you!
We Love You!
Mommy & Daddy

Monday, May 18, 2009

I Love Olives

Today I am 9 weeks! Our little baby is the size of a medium green olive now and weighs just a fraction of an ounce. All of his/her essential body parts are accounted for now and he/she is really starting to look like a human! His/Her embryonic tail is completely gone now and their organs, muscles and nerves are kicking into gear. The external sex organs are there but we won't be able to distinguish them for weeks (although Bob thinks it's a boy). I switch daily on what I think it is! I can't wait to find out though! The eyes are fully formed but will be fused shut until the 27th week. Any day now the placenta will take over from the yolk sac.

We had an ultrasound this morning and everything looked perfect! Baby's heart rate was 170 beats per minute, awesome! Baby has gotten so big since last week! I think we will only be going to the fertility doctor for 3 more visits and then I will be released to the OB. I have mixed feelings about this - I love my fertility doctor and everyone that works there, they are all SO nice and understanding. I like my OB too but it's just different there - I just feel like sometimes they aren't as sympathetic there. But graduating to the OB is a big step! I have learned some potentially scary news recently. I have scoliosis (curvature of the spine) and have been doing some research on scoliosis and pregnancy. Well since I haven't had an x-ray of my back in almost 20 years - I might not be able to get an epidural while in labor because the anestesiologist doesn't have anything to go by on where to put the needle! Are you kidding me, no epidural! That is a scary, scary thought and something I will be discussing with my OB on my first appointment with him!

Dear God,
Thank you for continuing to watch over our baby and allowing him/her to grow healthy and strong! Also, please bless a friend of mine who just found out her 2nd IVF attempt failed. Please watch over her and her husband in this difficult time!
Alicia & Bob

Dear Baby,
You are getting so big! Your little heart is beating like crazy - keep up the good work!
We Love you SO much!
Mommy & Daddy

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Today has been one month since we found out we were pregnant - time is flying by, I feel like it was just yesterday that we got the call.

Morning sickness and complete exhaustion has been kicking my butt the past few days, I am really, really looking forward to the 2nd trimester in a couple of weeks! I fell asleep at my desk 3 times today! I really tried to stay awake but I just couldn't and that was even after I went to bed at 8:00 p.m. last night.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Gummy Bear

I hope all of those mothers out there had a wonderful Mother's Day! I did, I got lots of cards and a bunch of maternity clothes - I am so spoiled! It was so great to not be depressed this mother's day and to actually enjoy it!

We had another ultrasound this morning. Baby is doing beautifully! He/She looks like a little Gummy Bear now. You can see their little arm and leg buds. I will try to post a picture later.

Dear God,
Thank you for blessing all of the mother's that I know. Continue your blessings on those mother's and those who want to be mothers.
Alicia & Bob

Dear Baby,
You looked so cute today! Mommy and Daddy just love watching you grow every week!
We love you so much!
Mommy & Daddy

Friday, May 8, 2009

Mother's Day???

Do I get to celebrate Mother's Day this year? Everyone has been sending me cards and telling me Happy Mother's Day this week but I feel guilty for some reason. Yes, I am providing nourishment for that beautiful baby right now but I really don't feel like a Mother yet. I can't wait until next year - to have this beautiful baby in my arms! I can't wait until I hear the words, "Mommy I Love You". I just can't wait to experience this amazing gift!
Thinking about Mother's Day makes me think about my mom. I truly am so blessed to have such an amazing mother. We went through a few rough patches when I was a teenager (but who doesn't). I could never thank my mom enough for EVERYTHING that she has done for me. She sacrificed a lot for me. Now I can truly say that she is my best friend. Mom - I love you and Happy Mother's Day!

Dear God,
Please bless all Mother's and all of those women out there who want to be Mother's.
Alicia & Bob

Dear Baby,
Next year is going to be so special to have you in my arms on Mother's Day. We love you so much!
Mommy & Daddy

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Step Away from the Food Aisles!

I learned today that it is not a good idea for me to walk down any food aisles this pregnancy! I think Bob will have to do all of the grocery shopping (or at least come with me) during the duration. I went to the drugstore across the street from work today on my lunch break to get some items that I needed (Tums, deoderant and such). So as I am walking to the front of the store to check out I decided that Jolly Ranchers sounded good and venture to the candy aisle. Bad idea! Everything looked SO good to me! I think a couple of times I even said "oh" outloud when I saw something new. I was like a crazy mad-woman grabbing everything in site. Jelly beans, Sour Patch candy, gummy worms, swedish fish, and a few other things! I bought it all! The worst part is by the time I walked out of the store none of it sounded good to me anymore. So now I have a huge drawer full of unopened candy that makes my stomach turn whenever I look at it.

Dear God,
Thank you for your blessings! Please watch over my friend who just had her ET this week.
Alicia & Bob

Dear Baby,
I wonder if you are going to have a sweet tooth like your Mommy? I wonder what things you will like and dislike. I find myself fantasizing about you and what you will be like all of the time! It is just amazing how much something so tiny can be loved SO much!
We Love You!
Mommy & Daddy

Monday, May 4, 2009

Eventful Morning

We had an eventful morning that was not fun at all! I was spotting this morning and I completely freaked out and immediately called the doctor. I waited around the house for a while but they weren't calling me back and at that point the spotting had stopped so I went into the office. Once I got to the office they had called me back and told me they would like me to come in for a scan immediately! I was just starting to tell myself that things would be ok and when they told me they wanted me to come in right away I freaked out all over again. So Bob had to drive downtown and we went straight to the doctors office. My doctor was there for the scan (I haven't seen her since we started the process) and as soon as they entered the probe she excitedly said there's the baby and the heartbeat! Oh my what a relief that was! After the ultrasound we went into her office and she told me my due date (which I already knew from looking up online) and we talked about a bunch of other things. I felt SO much better walking out of the office, she is such a great doctor, she really put my mind at ease!

Dear God,
Thank you so much for watching over our beautiful baby today, please continue to bless our baby and watch over him/her and help them to continue to grow healthy and strong.
Alicia & Bob

Dear Baby,
Mommy and Daddy had such a scare this morning! We can't imagine you being taken away from us at this point. You are so incredibly loved and we were so scared that we were losing our greatest gift. Little baby stay strong and continue to grow healthy! We love you!
Mommy & Daddy