Tuesday, June 22, 2010

6 Months Old

My baby boy is 6 months old now! I can't believe how fast time has gone by in another 6 months it is hard to believe that we will be celebrating his 1st birthday! I really pray those 6 months don't go by as fast as the first ones did!

Adam is doing great - at his doctor's appointment he was 17 pounds (50%) and 25.5 inches (10%). We are now moving onto stage 2 foods but I want to finish the cabinet full of 1's that I have before we do that. He got his 4 shots and that is the last time he has to get that many for awhile according to the doctor - thank goodness! We are working on the sitting up thing and he was doing really good for awhile but now all of sudden he is being stubborn and won't do it. I really wanted him sitting up for his 6 month pictures but I don't think that is going to happen (little stinker).

New things he has done lately - he LOVES his feet and they are constantly in his mouth - even if he has shoes on. He can now scoot in circles and get to toys that are on the floor around him. He squeals and screams up a storm because he always so happy. And my absolute favorite - he gives kisses now! It's so cute he'll grab your face with both hands and pull it towards his open mouth and just holds you there! He does it everytime we say "Kisses"! Melts my heart everytime! Adam went swimming for the first time a couple of weeks ago and had so much fun. He was kicking his legs like crazy and kept wanting to put his face in the water. I can't wait for his swim lessons to start next week!

We celebrated Father's Day on Friday because Bob left on Saturday to go out of town again. We were going to go to this yummy German restaurant that Bob loves but the power was out when we got there because there was a huge storm that just came through. So we went home and just had K.F.C instead. We got Bob a cute shirt with Adam's picture on it that says "Daddy's Little Buddy" that he can wear as an undershirt when he is travelling. We also got him a travel mug with a bunch of pictures of Adam on it and a few other odds and ends.

And I just have to brag a bit because I am so excited about this. I started doing WW a couple of months ago and had my weigh in yesterday and I have now lost 25 pounds! I am so excited and starting to feel like myself again. It feels so good to be able to put on my clothes that I wore before we even started the IVF process (because I gained a lot of weight with that) and they are even a little big. I am going to keep going, I think I have another 10 to 15 pounds to go before I'll be at my absolute goal weight!

I'll post pictures of little man later on.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

I know I said I was going to be better at blogging and I haven't done that at all. Things are good here. Adam is still happy as ever and so much fun. We are practicing on him sitting up and I am hoping by his 6 month birthday we'll be there but who knows. Bob is still travelling a ton and it's a lot of just Adam and Mommy time but this is the last month he'll be gone a lot and most of July and all of August he'll be home! We joined the Community pool so I can't wait to go swimming - they opened up yesterday but the weather has been crappy so I just keep waiting for that first nice day. I also signed up for a Mommy/Baby swim class that starts in 2 weeks - I can't wait!

Here a picture of Adam in a new outfit I got him - I couldn't resist when I saw it in the store!