Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Adam is Learning
Today I made tater tots for dinner and Adam asked me for some more cylinders! I died laughing - I know he learned what cylinders are from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, that is where he learned all of his shapes (with my emphasizing it as well on our own) but he knows all the basic shapes and also cone, sphere, cube and we are working on all the "gons" hexagon, pentagon, octagon. He is doing pretty well with counting and can pretty much count to 20 with a little bit of help - can count to 10 no problem. And he does pretty well with his colors. We are now starting to work on letters - my goal is to have him know them all by the time he is 3. He also loves to sing! His favorites to sing with no help are - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, On the Good Ship Lollipop, ABCs and his newest Take Me Out to the Ballgame. I taught him to sing that song to say root for the Cardinals (I am from St. Louis and love them) and my husband just cringes everytime since he was born here in Detroit and loves the Tigers.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Easter 2012
Easter was busy at our house this year. We had my mom and dad, brother and sister and her family stay at our house this weekend and then we had my husband's entire family over on Sunday - so all in all there were about 25 people there. It was so nice to have everyone. The Easter Bunny spoiled Adam rotten (either Mommy or Grandma needs to lay low on that front next time) but he loves everything. He had a blast with all of his cousins and keeps talking about how he played with ALL of his cousins. Adam has really been talking up a storm lately - it's so funny the things he says! He definately is ALL boy - he thinks burping and tooting is hilarious and trys to make the noises and laughs - Mommy can't help but laugh a couple of the times. Yesterday in the tub he tooted and got this shocked look and then said, "I hiccup in my back" - so funny!
Our transfer is scheduled for May 11th - the Friday before Mother's Day. I got a shot at the doctor last week of Lupron (it was $800!!!!) yes for one shot! I am so glad they did that at the office so I didn't screw it up. Now I don't have to go back to the office until April 24th for a ultrasound and then I'll start pills on the 26th and be on our way. I am really hopeful that this is going to be it for us!
Here are a couple of Adam's easter pictures....