Tuesday, May 29, 2012

RE Follow Up

We had our follow up with our RE today and it didn't go well.  Basically, my AMH value is .56 and someone my age should have a value between 2-4, so in so many words my eggs are crap (those of a 40+ year old).  We have a 30% chance of getting pregnant.  We still have 2 more frozen blasts but I am not feeling so great about those since we have transferred 5 from the cycle and none of them took.  So at this point I am thinking we need to seriously consider donor eggs or adoption.  We will still have another frozen cycle with the 2 we have because I can't leave them.  We won't be doing that though until September or October, I just want to enjoy the summer first.  But I really think we need to figure out what we are going to do if that frozen cycle fails (which I have a feeling it will).

I just have to thank God for that beautiful, perfect angel I have napping upstairs right now!!!!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Yet Again - Negative

Wish I had better news but once again I got that awful call that it didn't work.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Transfer Complete

Yesterday we had our transfer - everything went really good!  We ended up trasnferring 3 blastocysts - one of them was already hatching (which is a great sign).  I was very shocked when the doctor came in and said we have 3 that we're going to put back with a very, very miniscule chance that all 3 would take.  I thought for sure that the most he would transfer would be 2 so needless to say I still think I am in shock that there are actually 3 blastocysts inside me right now.  I am freaked out about the thought of all of them taking - I think I could handle 2 but 3 really scares me!  All I am praying for it to work!  My blood test is on May 21st, so we'll know then if it worked!

Friday, May 4, 2012

FET Date

Sorry I have been MIA lately.  Things are all good here.  I have been taking meds in preperation for our frozen embryo cycle.  I went to the doctor today for a check and everything is looking good so one week from today will be our transfer!  This has to be it - 3rd time trying for number 2 - so third times a charm, right?!