We had our first ultrasound this morning. We saw ONE beautiful sac and yolk! The nurse said everything looked great, my ovaries are still huge from the drugs but she said that was completely normal and they would start to go down. So that's why I am still so darn bloated! I kept telling Bob that I had swollen ovaries and he didn't believe me, so now he does, ha! No heartbeat yet but that is completely normal and nothing to worry about. The nurse is pretty sure that we will see it next week. Yes, I go for another ultrasound next week, she said that I will go every week for the first 12 weeks of the pregnancy (or as long as my insurance will allow). I am going to get spoiled with that many ultrasounds!
I could literally hear Bob sigh out loud when the nurse said that she sees one sac! He was so nervous that we would have twins. I know it's still early and another one could pop up but I truly believe that this ONE baby in here is our perfect little miracle! I thought I would be sad if there was one but I am not at all, I am so excited! (My mom on the other hand I think is a bit disappointed).
Dear God,
Thank you so much for your blessings! Please watch over our baby and help it to continue to grow healthy and strong!
Bob & Alicia
Dear Baby,
Mommy and Daddy were so happy to see you today! It still doesn't seem real to us, you are just a tiny little sac on the screen. I hope we see your heartbeat next week, I think that's when it will really hit Mommy that you are there!
We Love You so Much Baby!
Mommy & Daddy
Yeah! This is truly the best possible outcome for you and baby! Twins would be fun but it's hard on your body and is typically hard on the babies. Congrats!
TOO AWESOME! So excited for you!
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