Thursday, April 2, 2009

Transfer Complete

As of right now I am knocked up! We had our transfer this morning! I was not feeling it walking in there but after talking to the embryologist I was in the best mood. She said all 5 of our embies are stil growing strong but 2 of them are ahead of the others. She said they were perfect Grade 4 (the highest) and those were the 2 we were going to put back in!

Bob was in the room with me holding my hand. We walked in, I got in the chair, they put on a CD - Sarah McClaghlin (don't know why that one but it was relaxing) and did the transfer! I had tears in my eyes when they said the transfer was complete! I can't even explain how I felt at that time! We left with pictures of each of our embryos (our first baby pictures) and a picture of them placed inside my uterus! As we were walking out there was a lady there with her brand new twins, I told Bob, that's a sign!

My blood test will be on April 14th! I can't wait!

Dear God,
Thank you so much for continuing to bless us. Thank you for watching over our embryos and helping them continue to thrive. Please bless the 2 embryos that are inside me right now and help them to attach and hold on for 9 months! Also please bless the 3 embryos we still have growing in the lab and help them to become strong so that they can be frozen for future use. Lord, you have truly been to great to us and have blessed us so much! Please continue your guidance and protection over us!
Alicia & Bob

Here are the first baby pictures!


A n T said...

I want to see babies first pic!!!

A n T said...

Looking good!!

Jen said...

things are looking good! i'm so excited!!

Sandy said...

That is amazing! How cool to have those early pictures!

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