Monday, April 6, 2009

The Waiting Game

Here I am playing the waiting game. Just waiting for next Tuesday to be here so that I can find out if this worked! Please let this week go by fast!

For the past 3 mornings I have felt hot and nauceous - I think it is just a side effect of the progesterone I am on though. Also, the night before yesterday I had a sharp pain in my lower abdomen that lasted only a second. I am just over-analyzing everything I am feeling and driving myself crazy!

Some good news - I just heard from the doctor's office - 2 of the 3 embryos we had left made it to the point to freeze! So we now have 2 snow babies!

Dear God,
Thank you so much for watching over all of our embies and helping them to thrive! Please continue your blessings upon us and help the 2 embies that are inside me to continue to grow.
Alicia & Bob
PS - Please bless all of those women that I know that are going through the same thing, please watch over them all and allow them all to get the positive results that they all so desperately want!


A n T said...


Sandy said...

I am so excited! Puking is always a good sign!

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