Tomorrow is my first OB appointment. I wish Bob was in town to go with me because I have a feeling I will hear the heart beat for the first time! We haven't heard it yet because the RE office we went to (they have 5 different ones) didn't have the correct machine to hear it with. So that is something that I am still waiting for. My mom told me that hearing the heart beat is the neatest thing and makes it seem a bit more realistic. I was telling her how it is still hard for me to comprehend that the baby I see on the ultrasounds is actually inside of me. It still doesn't seem real sometimes. I will have another ultrasound tomorrow too, I hope we can get a peek between the legs and get a guess at what it is! I know that this will probably be my last ultrasound until the 20 week one, so sad! I just loved seeing the baby every week. I also have a ton of questions for the OB. The first one will be if I can have an epidural even though I have scoliosis!
Tomorrow after my appointment my mom, aunt, niece and I are driving to St. Louis to surprise my grandma for her birthday. She has no idea we are coming and I am so excited to see her face when she opens the door. I also haven't seen a lot of my family in St. Louis since I found out I was pregnant so I can't wait to see them all, especially since I have a bit of a bump now! I am also really looking forward to seeing my best friend! I miss her so much! Her son is turning one this weekend! I can't believe she has been a mommy for one year now already, it seems like just yesterday I got the call that she was even pregnant.
Dear Baby,
Mommy is so excited to see you again tomorrow! I hope you cooperate and give us a nice shot between your legs, I really want to know what you are. I am also so looking forward to hearing your heart beat, I wish Daddy could be there to hear it too. Maybe Mommy will just have to find a recorder to bring for him.
We Love You!
Mommy & Daddy
How exciting! Can you call Bob on his cell and let him listen? I'm sure they can put the phone up to the monitor.
How fun, I hope your appt. going really well and you get to see maybe a little something to find out what it is?
The heartbeat is truly music to your ears.
Enjoy your time with your family and friend this weekend.
You must video tape the heart beat!
I hope your appointment goes well!
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