Monday, October 19, 2009

31 Weeks

This week Adam measures over 16 inches long (at least that is where he is supposed to be at). He weighs about 3.3 pounds (that's the average, we already know that Adam is way over that because last week he was already 4.3 pounds) and aparently he is heading into a growth spurt! He can turn his head from side to side, and his arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath his skin. He's moving a lot and his kicks and somersaults keep me up! But I should take comfort because this is all a sign that he is active and healthy!

Everyday I wonder how much longer I truly have - it could be anywhere from 6 weeks to 9 weeks, either way I am now in the single digit weeks left! I really never imagined that this time would go by so fast! Overall, I have been feeling pretty good. Every once in awhile I will get a nice swift kick in my ribs which takes my breath away but for the most part his movements are getting more smooth and not so rough. It is so much fun to sit and watch my belly now! Everytime he moves you can see it from the outside - I spend a lot of nights with my shirt pulled up just staring at it. I was so hoping that I would go the whole pregnancy without streach marks but it looks like that's not going to happen - I just had 3 small ones pop up - boo! I know though that they are so worth it for my miracle baby! Lately, I have been eating Tums like it's candy - I seem to ALWAYS have heartburn at least the Tums seem to be doing their job for now, I hope my body doesn't get used to them and that they don't work anymore.

Tonight we have our second Child Birth class. I am really looking forward to it - I really enjoy them. I know tonight we are learning breathing and relaxing techniques because the instructor made sure to tell us that we definately need our pillows and a blanket this week. I am actually really looking forward to learning these things and hope that they will help me in labor since I really, really want to try natural. But, I am not going to beat myself up if I have to have an epidural. I just want to at least be able to say that I gave it my best shot.

Dear God,
Please continue your awesome blessings upon us! We are very aware of the gift you have given us and we are so gratful!
Alicia & Bob

Dear Adam,
Mommy is having so much fun watching you move around - I wish Daddy was home more often to see it but he has to work. Soon enough he'll be done traveling and hopefully he'll be able to experience these things with Mommy. I especially love when Mommy pushes on her tummy in one spot and a few seconds later you kick there! It's like we are playing our own game! I can't wait until you are here so we can play many, many more games together!
We Love You!
Mommy & Daddy


Linlee said...

Is it just me or is this going by super fast. I can't believe it's been 31 weeks already!

Meant to be a mom said...

Happy 31 weeks. Little Adam will be here to soon. Sorry to hear about the tummy issues. I lived on Tums also when I was prego. It will go away after you have your little angel.

Sarah said...

Yay on 31 weeks! Adam will be here before you know it :)

Don't worry about getting used to the won't. And the heartburn will go away. Just enjoy the possibility of Adam having lots of hair (at least according to that old wives tale). I had to go on a prescription medicine for my reflux, so hopefully your heartburn won't get any worse! I'll be hoping it gets better :)

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