This past year has been filled with first time we laid eyes on you, first touches, first kisses, first hugs, first cuddles, first baths, first tears, first trips, first smiles, first laughs, first foods, first tooth, first sitting ups, first words, first boo boos, first holidays, first hair cut, first steps, first time in the ocean and now your First Birthday! We have been so blessed to experience each of these firsts and you have made our lives so enriched. We love you so much Adam - today, tomorrow and always! Love - Mommy & Daddy
Friday, December 17, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Still Here
Yes, I am still here. I needed to take sometime to process everything that happened but I am much better now. I had my time to mourn, to be angry and to cry - now I am much, much better and am at the point where I can honestly say that it just wasn't meant to be at this time but I know sometime in the future when the time is right Adam will have a sibling. Right now I am just going to enjoy having my precious baby boy and treasure each and every single moment.
Friday he will turn 1 - I can't believe it! Not sure what we are going to do yet on his actual birthday but on Saturday we are having family over for a small party. We went and saw Santa this weekend - it was so adorable. As soon as I sat Adam in Santa's lap he just looked and looked at him with this adorable face, melted my heart!
Monday, December 6, 2010
It's Over
Just got the news that my level dropped to 25. I have been told to quit taking all of my meds I was on. I am so depressed and mad.
So Depressed
I just got back from the RE's office to do the blood draw for my 4th beta and the nurse that took the blood basically told me that I need to prepare myself for an ectopic pregnancy. I won't get the results of the bloodwork until 3:00 - today is going to suck!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Not Good
So 3rd beta came in at 48 from 33. They wanted it to double and it didn't - so not sure what to think but I am not feeling good about this at all. Now I have to go back for another beta on Monday. I just want this to be over!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Beta on Friday
I talked to my RE last night and she is letting me go in for a beta on Friday. So glad I don't have to stress all week. I also took a pregnancy test this morning and there was a line but it was really, really, really faint so hopefully it starts to get darker!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Miracle - Maybe????
I had my second beta done today and it went up from a 10 to a 33 s0 it more than doubled (which is what they look for). I am a little bit excited but still very, very, very cautious! They aren't having me come back until next Wednesday for another blood draw and then an ultrasound - so another week of waiting! I really wish they would let me come in on Friday just to make sure that the levels are rising. I am going to just try to stay as calm as I can the next week and take it easy so that this little bean can burrow deeper and deeper into my lining and with God's will we will be meeting him/her in August! Thank you so much for all of your prayers thus far but I still feel like we need many, many more!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Wish I Had Better News
Yesterday did not go at all like I had hoped it would. After the day dragging on it was time for me to call the RE's answering service to get my results from my beta. I could tell immediately when I heard the nurses voice that it wasn't good. They said that my beta level came back at a 10 and anything over a 5 is positive but this was an extremely low positive. So I have to go back for another beta on Wednesday. After I listened to the message at first I was kind of excited because a positive is a positive and why wouldn't it work for me?! Then I proceeded to do some research online and it didn't look good at all. I can't find any stories with someone having a beta so low and continuing on to a successful pregnancy. I was heartbroken so I took a pregnancy test because I had one and it didn't even come up positive so the numbers are that low. I hate that I have to wait until Wednesday to know for sure but I am preparing myself for the worst that it's not going to work.
Why do I have to be punished this way - if it's not going to work why couldn't it have just come back as a negative in the first place - why put us on more of a roller coaster than we are already on. I was so stressed out about this as it was because these were our only 2 embryos we had left - why does it have to be harder. My heart is so heavy and I am so angry right now - why us. I HATE that we have to deal with infertility, I HATE that we can't get pregnant the 'normal' way, I HATE the thought of Adam possibly being an only child, I HATE that we have to spend all this money for no results, I HATE this. I am so tired of seeing negative pregnancy tests.
Don't get me wrong I feel so incredibly blessed that we have Adam and I treasure him more now than ever but my heart doesn't feel full yet. I know we are still meant to have more children. I just feel a little helpless right now.
Why do I have to be punished this way - if it's not going to work why couldn't it have just come back as a negative in the first place - why put us on more of a roller coaster than we are already on. I was so stressed out about this as it was because these were our only 2 embryos we had left - why does it have to be harder. My heart is so heavy and I am so angry right now - why us. I HATE that we have to deal with infertility, I HATE that we can't get pregnant the 'normal' way, I HATE the thought of Adam possibly being an only child, I HATE that we have to spend all this money for no results, I HATE this. I am so tired of seeing negative pregnancy tests.
Don't get me wrong I feel so incredibly blessed that we have Adam and I treasure him more now than ever but my heart doesn't feel full yet. I know we are still meant to have more children. I just feel a little helpless right now.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
We had a great Thanksgiving - we went to my parents house. The food was fabulous as always - I ate way too much! I can't believe that was Adam's last first holiday - my oh my that went by fast. Adam had so much fun playing with his 2 cousins - he wasn't too hungry at dinner time (we ate early because the turkey cooked faster than we anticipated) so he didn't really eat any turkey or anything - he had mac and cheese later on. But he did enjoy a tiny bit of pumpkin pie! I can't wait to celebrate Christmas with him this year! He is going to be so much fun seeing the lights and everything. I can't wait to take him to see Santa either - we didn't go last year since he was so little.
I sent out the invitations for his 1st birthday yesterday! I'll have to get a picture of his birthday theme stuff it is so cute and I got the cutest outfit for him to wear! I will definately post pictures of that when I get a chance.
So I am so ready for Monday to be here for the beta! I hate waiting and waiting. I did take a test on Thursday morning and it was negative but I kind of had a feeling it would be because it was so early, so I have decided to not take anymore tests and just wait for the bloodwork results. So please keep your fingers crossed for us. I don't feel any different or anything so I can't tell but hopefully it's good news!
Here is a picture of our little family from Thanksgiving.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Waiting, Waiting, Waiting
I hate this part most of all during this whole process. Everything is done and all I can do is just sit and wait to find out the results. Hopefully since tomorrow is Thanksgiving and our weekend is pretty full Monday will be here before we know it! I bought some home pregnancy tests but not sure if I am going to take them or not - I think if I haven't already I will definately take one on Monday because I just want to know and not have to wait all day for the results. I have always wanted to take a test too and be surprised by the results, when I was pregnant with Adam I took the test after I got a call from the doctor just because I wanted to see 2 lines.
A couple of days after the transfer I definately felt strange sensations going on below - I told Bob and he said I said the same thing last time - so right now I am taking this as a good sign. Also, I am tired but that could also be because I have an 11 month old that doesn't sit down. I am on restriction from lifting anything over 15 pounds until we get the results on Monday - boy has that been hard not to pick up Adam. I feel so bad because when he is tired he'll just crawl up to me and try to pull on my shirt for me to pick him up. But one good thing is that I think Bob has realized why I would go to bed so early when he was gone travelling for the past 3 months! He has had to do everything for Adam and he said the other day that he is so tired at night and couldn't get anything done - no kidding!
I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! I can't believe this is Adam's last 1st holiday! This past year has been the best year of my life and has flown by! I'll leave you with a cute shot of Adam playing "So Big"!
Friday, November 19, 2010
All Done
Tranfer went fabulous this morning! Both of the embryos made the thaw and they are both in perfect quality the embryologist informed us!!!! My doctor and embryologist were SO positive about how they looked and think that everything is going to work out! I am so relieved that it's over - now the waiting game. My beta is scheduled for 11/29 to find out if it worked - 10 days!
Transfer Day Today
So it is 4:00 a.m. and I am awake! I am so nervous for the transfer today, I am nervous that the 2 embryos won't make the thaw, I am nervous about this actually working. I am feeling that desperation again that I felt while we were doing the IVF with Adam and the anger. Why is it that we have issues getting pregnant, why can't it be easy for us, I hate this! I have to just try and relax, say some prayers and put this all in the hands of God!!!!
My transfer is at 8:30 a.m. - I will update afterwards.
My transfer is at 8:30 a.m. - I will update afterwards.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Transfer Date
I went for another lining check today - I am at 14 mm. So I start progesterone tomorrow and my transfer is one week from today, November 19th! Bob is scheduled to come home on the 20th but he is going to do everything he can to see if he can come home on the 19th in the morning instead so he can be here for the transfer - I really hope he is able to make it for that - the thought of me going by myself is depressing. Now I am getting SUPER nervous!!!!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Quick Update
I went for another lining check on Monday morning. All is still looking good - my lining was 12 mm, so they are having me come in for one more lining check on Friday and I'll start progesterone then. Right now my embryo transfer is tentatively scheduled for November 19th. Bob is scheduled to come home on the 20th but if the transfer does end up happening that day I think he is going to really try to get home for the transfer on the 19th. This process has been so much easier on my body versus the IVF but I feel like it is taking FOREVER and I haven't even gotten to the worst part the 2 week wait after the transfer!
Adam is really getting more confident at walking and is taking more and more steps each day. It's so cute to watch him because he is so proud of himself and you can just tell he thinks he is hot stuff!
Adam is really getting more confident at walking and is taking more and more steps each day. It's so cute to watch him because he is so proud of himself and you can just tell he thinks he is hot stuff!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
First Steps!!!
I just witnessed Adam take his first steps! He was standing at the TV and just let go and took 3 steps! I am so excited that I saw him do it, my baby boy is growing up so fast. Bob is out of town still and so bummed that he missed it but he gets to come home for a couple of days on Sunday so I am sure Adam will show off his new talent then. I will be following Adam around constantly trying to get a video of it.
On the FET side - went in to the RE today for a lining check. I am at 9mm, the nurse said anything over 8 is good - so right on track. I go back for another check on Monday (excited Bob will be home for that) and then if all goes well I'll be starting progesterone and a mere days after that will be the transfer!!!!
On the FET side - went in to the RE today for a lining check. I am at 9mm, the nurse said anything over 8 is good - so right on track. I go back for another check on Monday (excited Bob will be home for that) and then if all goes well I'll be starting progesterone and a mere days after that will be the transfer!!!!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Next Step
I went to the RE yesterday for bloodwork and ultrasound check. Everything went good and I started my estrogen yesterday. I go back for a ultrasound check on 11/3 to make sure my lining is thickening nicely. So it seems that 18-21 days from yesterday will be my transfer. I am kind of bummed about that because Bob will still be out of town :( So my husband won't even be in the same city or state when I get pregnant!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Halloween Party
This morning I hosted Adam's playgroup for a Halloween Party. We had so much fun and it was so cute to see all of the babies in their costumes! I am so glad I found this group it has helped so much with my sanity to have adults to talk to during the day. Adam and I haven't been able to go to anything in a couple of weeks because he had a cold and then I had one so we didn't want to get anyone sick but I am so ready to get out there again!
Here are some pictures from the day....
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Climbing - Already?!
Boy oh boy do I have my hands full with little man already. He is only 10 months old and already a climber - isn't that too early?! I caught him yesterday - he had taken a basket I had in the family room that was turned over and pushed it over to the entertainment center and climbed up on it and was pulling down DVDs! I didn't say anything, just watched him and grabbed the video camera. He then couldn't figure out how to get down so I had to help him and then tell him "No". And now I feel like today I have caught him so many times climbing on things that are on the floor.
We are hosting a Halloween Party on Friday for his play group. I am so excited to see all of the babies in their Halloween Costumes. I wanted to do a little baby friendly craft project or something and I finally found something to do so I tried it out the other day with Adam. I think it turned our pretty cute and I plan on doing this with any future babies we might have every Halloween. I actually think I am going to start doing a project for each holiday.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Injections Have Begun
Yesterday was my first injection of Lupron for my FET. I was on this medication for the IVF and I didn't react too well to it so I am not looking forward to the side effects kicking in. Basically it's like going through menopause - hot flashes and such. Just like when I did my IVF it took me a while to actually do that first injection - I just couldn't make myself stick the needle in. But thankfully my mom was there and she said if I didn't do it she would so that was all it took because I thought she would enjoy sticking me way too much! So I have one injection of the Lupron everyday until at least October 25th when I go in for bloodwork and then I'll probably be starting the estrogen pills then and lower the dosage of Lupron. I think then I am on the estrogen pills for 15 to 18 days and then the trasfer will occur - so I still have a while to go. My mom took pictures of the injection just like we did for the IVF and it's so different now having a little guy at my feet this time! We joke that this is "Operation Sister"! I would love to have a baby girl but of course I would take anything as long as it's a healthy baby! But I am pushing the sister thing for Adam - we do this cheer where I say "I want a Sister not another Mister!" and he just laughs and laughs everytime I sing it!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Here We Go Again!
I know I have been a terrible blogger! I am going to try and update you on everything and not make this too long of a post.
Where to start - in September we went to Aruba with my parents, my grandma, my brother and my sister and her family! We had so much fun and Adam loved the beach and the ocean! He was like a little crab crawling all over the beach towards the ocean. We were outside everyday from sun up until sun down basically. The week went by way too fast though. I posted a couple of pictures below of our trip.
Adam is doing great! He is pulling up onto everything and really getting good at cruising the furniture. He has also mastered our stairs (when I actually let him crawl on them). He is pretty much completely on table food - I try to give him baby food still so that he is getting enough of a variety of fruits and veggies but it's getting harder and harder to get him to eat it. I need some ideas on other things I can give him - I am stuck on pancakes, mac and cheese, grilled cheese, cooked veggies like peas and carrots and some fruit like bananas, apples and grapes. He started clapping and waving a few weeks ago and plays peek a boo now. It's getting harder and harder for him to cuddle with Mommy - I know it's a good thing he wants to be down and exploring but I miss our cuddle times! So let me tell you when he does cuddle I don't want to move and enjoy every second of it!
Finally - we are officially underway for our Frozen Embryo Transfer! I started the birth control pills a few days ago and got my calendar with dates for the rest of the process. I will start injections in 11 days and do those for a couple of weeks and then will add estrogen pills for a few weeks. So we are looking at late November/early December for our transfer. We have two frozen embryos and we will be putting back both of them so I am just praying this works because if it doesn't I just can't imagine where we would get the money to do IVF again. Please say some extra prayers for us and I will keep you all updated. It was so strange going back to the fertility clinic. I was excited to walk in there with Adam and not scared like the last time I went for the IVF, I just feel so much less pressure this time.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
8 Months Old
Mr. Adam turned 8 months old yesterday! Please, please, please let the time go by slower - this is happening way too fast! We had his check up today and everything was great! He is 17 pounds 12 ounces (25%) and 26.5 inches long (5%) - he only gained 12 ounces and grew an inch from his last appointment but the doctor said that was fine because this is about the time that he'll start slowing down a bit. Could have fooled me with the way he has been eating lately I would have thought he was going through a growth spurt! He is waking up now at night to eat just as much as he did when he was a newborn! I didn't talk to the doctor about it, not sure why but I wish I would have. I think I am going to try something different tonight to see if it makes a difference. We only make him 4 ounces at night (our thinking is that the less we give him the sooner he will be weaned off of the night feedings) but maybe that's not right and I should make the same size bottle I do for him during the day - so we'll see what happens tonight. Dr. Mike (his pediatrician that we LOVE) also said he could have pretty much anything to eat as far as table food as long as it's in small pieces for him (except for the no no's like milk, fish, honey and such). So this is going to be fun introducing him to all kinds of new foods! I really hope that we can start off on the right foot with him trying and liking a variety of different foods - I really don't want a picky eater.
Adam now has 4 teeth on top (no more fang) and the 2 bottom ones still. He started to crawl! But he is still kind of slow with it so when he sees something he really wants he'll crawl for a second and then plops down and scoots "army crawls" the rest of the way because he is SO FAST at that! We have been quite busy lately - my husband's brother and his family came in town last weekend and stayed at our house! We had a great time with them and are so glad they came, we have been wanting them to come since we moved into our house 2 years ago. Adam loved his cousins! He got so much attention and was so spoiled! They wore him out because he slept most of the day on Monday! Then on Sunday he went to his first professional baseball game! The Chicago White Sox vs. Detroit Tigers! Of course we were all decked out in our Tiger gear! The Tigers won and we had a great time! Adam even got a foul ball! The tickets were a gift for Bob for his birthday from my parent's so they were with us too and of course spoiled Adam with a hat, bat, program and even Dippin Dots at the game!
Adam now has 4 teeth on top (no more fang) and the 2 bottom ones still. He started to crawl! But he is still kind of slow with it so when he sees something he really wants he'll crawl for a second and then plops down and scoots "army crawls" the rest of the way because he is SO FAST at that! We have been quite busy lately - my husband's brother and his family came in town last weekend and stayed at our house! We had a great time with them and are so glad they came, we have been wanting them to come since we moved into our house 2 years ago. Adam loved his cousins! He got so much attention and was so spoiled! They wore him out because he slept most of the day on Monday! Then on Sunday he went to his first professional baseball game! The Chicago White Sox vs. Detroit Tigers! Of course we were all decked out in our Tiger gear! The Tigers won and we had a great time! Adam even got a foul ball! The tickets were a gift for Bob for his birthday from my parent's so they were with us too and of course spoiled Adam with a hat, bat, program and even Dippin Dots at the game!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Reality is Setting In
Last week Adam and I went with Bob to Detroit while he worked in the office. While Bob was at work during the day Adam and I would go and explore different areas that we are looking at moving too. For some reason going there last week really hit me that this is really happening and I have to admit I am really scared now. I am going to miss my mom and dad and sister and her family so much! I see them every single weekend and my parents I see many times during the week since they are only 15 minutes away. I know we won't be that far and they can still drive to visit us but I am still really sad about not being able to just hop in the car and see them for the evening. It makes me sad that Adam won't grow up spending the night at MaMa and PaPa's house like my sister's kids do - that he won't be able to see them every weekend. He won't have the close bond that my sister's kids do to them and it breaks my heart. I know deep down that this is truly the right decision for our family but it doesn't mean that I am 100% thrilled about it. I was all excited when this first happened but now that the reality is hitting me I am really sad and scared. My parent's mean the world to me and I value everything they do for us, I just can't imagine what it's going to be like to not have them there when I need to do something and can drop Adam off for a bit.
There is a positive though - we will be with Bob's family. He has 1 brother and 3 sister's and they all have kids, 10 in all (grant it they are older, ranging in age from 22-6) but they are so much fun and it will be great that Adam will grow up knowing his cousins and Aunt's and Uncle's (Bob's parents have both passed away). Also, all of Bob's friends are there and they mostly have kids or are just starting to have kids so I definately have them to hang out with and hopefully between all of those people we could still have people as babysitters that could help us out every once in awhile - especially since we will be doing our FET soon and hopefully I will be pregnant when we move there.
Our house still isn't on the market, we are just trying to get everything done that we want to do to make it look the best it can before we put it up. It's hard though when Bob is travelling so much but hopefully we can complete it within the next few weeks so we can put it up before Bob goes out for a tour in September that he'll be on until Thanksgiving - I really don't want to wait until then to put it up.
Adam is doing wonderful! He has 4 teeth now (the bottom 2 and 2 fangs on the top!)! He is very hip right now with all of the vampire stuff going on! I think I see one of the front top 2 coming in soon. He is scooting everywhere and is quite fast at it now. He gets up on his hands and knees and rocks so I know the crawling isn't far behind! He is a very curious little boy and gets into everything, I know I am going to have my hands full with him. He just started to kind of wave a bit and it's so freaking cute! I gave him cheese and bananas for the first time this weekend and he LOVED them. We went with my sister and her kids to get all of the kids pictures taken. Boy was that something - trying to get 3 kids 2 1/2 and under to sit, look and the camera and smile at the same time - impossible! But here are a couple of the pictures...
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
7 Months and Next Step and Big Move
My little guy turned 7 months on Saturday! He is doing so great! Loves to eat just about everything - we started giving him apples, watermelon and canteloupe in one of those mesh holder things and he gets so excited when he sees us get it out of the drawer! He loves fruit, it makes a huge mess but he is so happy that I don't care. We have also started to give him some teething biscuits and puffs which is so funny to watch him "chew". He doesn't like juice though or water so I am just going to stick with formula - I don't really want him drinking juice right now anyway - the doctor just suggested trying when he gets constipated but we haven't had issues with that lately so I am not going to worry about the juice thing. He is now sitting up really well on his own and is starting to get up on all fours but can't figure out what to do from there. He does scoot though on his tummy and is all over the place!
We got his 6 month pictures ordered finally and I hope to have them soon so I can post them - they turned our really, really cute! What else - oh yea - his newest discovery - his little member! He especially loves to find it when he is in the bathtub - I can't help but laugh everytime he does because he gets this really funny look on his face and it just kills me everytime!
Bob and I went to our RE today to discuss the 2 frozen embryos we have because big news in our house, Bob got a full time job and we will be relocating to Detroit, MI! Bob is really excited to be going back to his hometown - all of his family and friends are there. I am excited for the move too but also really sad to be leaving my mom and dad, sister and her family in Chicago. I try not to think about that too much and keep telling myself that Chicago is only a short 4-5 hour drive from where we are looking to move to in Detroit. One good thing for us is that we can get an amazing house right now in Detroit for what ours cost in Chicago - I just hope that we can sell our house. I have pretty much come to the conclusion that we aren't going to make any money on this house, I just don't want to have to pay anymore than what we have already put into it. We never imagined 2 years ago when we moved in here that we would be leaving so soon!
Anyway - the appointment today. Bob and I were pretty sure that we wanted to transfer the embryos before we moved (November/December) - we wanted our kids to be 1 1/2 years apart or so. Good thing we went in to discuss because the RE would like to start are the pre-work and testing in August for a October/November transfer! So it looks like we will be on our way next month! We have 2 frozen embryos and we will thaw and transfer both of them - the RE said they were both "excellent" as far as the condition even better than the ones we transferred on our IVF cycle so she once again reitterated that twins is a possibility. I can't believe that the ball is going to start rolling soon! It is so funny going through all of this the 2nd time around. I told Bob when we were in the elevator that I was so relaxed as compared to what I would feel when we would have appointments for the IVF. We already have one completely perfect baby that I really think I would be fine if that was all we ended up with. So I just don't feel as stressed out or pressure this time.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
6 Months Old
My baby boy is 6 months old now! I can't believe how fast time has gone by in another 6 months it is hard to believe that we will be celebrating his 1st birthday! I really pray those 6 months don't go by as fast as the first ones did!
Adam is doing great - at his doctor's appointment he was 17 pounds (50%) and 25.5 inches (10%). We are now moving onto stage 2 foods but I want to finish the cabinet full of 1's that I have before we do that. He got his 4 shots and that is the last time he has to get that many for awhile according to the doctor - thank goodness! We are working on the sitting up thing and he was doing really good for awhile but now all of sudden he is being stubborn and won't do it. I really wanted him sitting up for his 6 month pictures but I don't think that is going to happen (little stinker).
New things he has done lately - he LOVES his feet and they are constantly in his mouth - even if he has shoes on. He can now scoot in circles and get to toys that are on the floor around him. He squeals and screams up a storm because he always so happy. And my absolute favorite - he gives kisses now! It's so cute he'll grab your face with both hands and pull it towards his open mouth and just holds you there! He does it everytime we say "Kisses"! Melts my heart everytime! Adam went swimming for the first time a couple of weeks ago and had so much fun. He was kicking his legs like crazy and kept wanting to put his face in the water. I can't wait for his swim lessons to start next week!
We celebrated Father's Day on Friday because Bob left on Saturday to go out of town again. We were going to go to this yummy German restaurant that Bob loves but the power was out when we got there because there was a huge storm that just came through. So we went home and just had K.F.C instead. We got Bob a cute shirt with Adam's picture on it that says "Daddy's Little Buddy" that he can wear as an undershirt when he is travelling. We also got him a travel mug with a bunch of pictures of Adam on it and a few other odds and ends.
And I just have to brag a bit because I am so excited about this. I started doing WW a couple of months ago and had my weigh in yesterday and I have now lost 25 pounds! I am so excited and starting to feel like myself again. It feels so good to be able to put on my clothes that I wore before we even started the IVF process (because I gained a lot of weight with that) and they are even a little big. I am going to keep going, I think I have another 10 to 15 pounds to go before I'll be at my absolute goal weight!
I'll post pictures of little man later on.
Adam is doing great - at his doctor's appointment he was 17 pounds (50%) and 25.5 inches (10%). We are now moving onto stage 2 foods but I want to finish the cabinet full of 1's that I have before we do that. He got his 4 shots and that is the last time he has to get that many for awhile according to the doctor - thank goodness! We are working on the sitting up thing and he was doing really good for awhile but now all of sudden he is being stubborn and won't do it. I really wanted him sitting up for his 6 month pictures but I don't think that is going to happen (little stinker).
New things he has done lately - he LOVES his feet and they are constantly in his mouth - even if he has shoes on. He can now scoot in circles and get to toys that are on the floor around him. He squeals and screams up a storm because he always so happy. And my absolute favorite - he gives kisses now! It's so cute he'll grab your face with both hands and pull it towards his open mouth and just holds you there! He does it everytime we say "Kisses"! Melts my heart everytime! Adam went swimming for the first time a couple of weeks ago and had so much fun. He was kicking his legs like crazy and kept wanting to put his face in the water. I can't wait for his swim lessons to start next week!
We celebrated Father's Day on Friday because Bob left on Saturday to go out of town again. We were going to go to this yummy German restaurant that Bob loves but the power was out when we got there because there was a huge storm that just came through. So we went home and just had K.F.C instead. We got Bob a cute shirt with Adam's picture on it that says "Daddy's Little Buddy" that he can wear as an undershirt when he is travelling. We also got him a travel mug with a bunch of pictures of Adam on it and a few other odds and ends.
And I just have to brag a bit because I am so excited about this. I started doing WW a couple of months ago and had my weigh in yesterday and I have now lost 25 pounds! I am so excited and starting to feel like myself again. It feels so good to be able to put on my clothes that I wore before we even started the IVF process (because I gained a lot of weight with that) and they are even a little big. I am going to keep going, I think I have another 10 to 15 pounds to go before I'll be at my absolute goal weight!
I'll post pictures of little man later on.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
I know I said I was going to be better at blogging and I haven't done that at all. Things are good here. Adam is still happy as ever and so much fun. We are practicing on him sitting up and I am hoping by his 6 month birthday we'll be there but who knows. Bob is still travelling a ton and it's a lot of just Adam and Mommy time but this is the last month he'll be gone a lot and most of July and all of August he'll be home! We joined the Community pool so I can't wait to go swimming - they opened up yesterday but the weather has been crappy so I just keep waiting for that first nice day. I also signed up for a Mommy/Baby swim class that starts in 2 weeks - I can't wait!
Here a picture of Adam in a new outfit I got him - I couldn't resist when I saw it in the store!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Mother's Day
I had the best 1st Mother's Day ever. We got up and went to church with my parent's, my brother (who came in town to surprise my mom) and my sister and her family. At church they had a blessing for all of the mothers where they called us up to the center of Church and had a prayer and then we all got tulips as we walked back to our seats! I am such a sap and started crying during the blessing. We then went for a yummy breakfast. Afterwards Bob and I went home and all 3 of us took a nap in bed together - I love when we all 3 snuggle together in bed. We then went to a pottery place where I made a plate with Adam's foot print - I can't wait to pick it up next week. Then we all had dinner over at my parents. I got a Pandora bracelet and tons of beads! I was on cloud nine the entire day!
Being a Mommy is so much more than I ever thought it could be. I thank God everyday that he blessed me with this amazing baby boy! I am in awe everyday how much I am in love with him! Knowing a mother's love for their child has really made me look at my mom differently. She is so amazing and I couldn't have picked a better mother. I hope that I am able to do as good of a job with Adam as she has done with us.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Monday morning Adam rolled from his back to his tummy for the first time. He has been going crazy since then - he kind of rolls across the room now! I haven't actually seen him do it but I will put him under his play gym and go and do something and he'll be completely across the room from where the gym is. It's so funny because I'll always ask him how he got over there and he'll have this huge, proud grin on his face. This is just the beginning of his independence and it's so amazing to watch.
He has now had peas, carrots and sweet potatoes. He has seemed to like everything we have given him thus far. We have green beans and squash to try and then we'll be moving onto fruits. I have a feeling he'll love those.
This past weekend I had my niece spend the night. We had a lot of fun - making cupcakes and watching Disney movies but she is definately a handful right now. She is 2 years old and when you tell her no she does not like it at all and will have a tantrum. So needless to say I gave into her a lot. But I figured I am the fun aunt and that's what I should do :) She loves Adam or "Baby Adam" as she calls him and was a huge help wanting to get diapers and help feed him. But wow - it's hard to have 2 little ones around - such a big difference from one - especially since I had them alone. I felt guilty when I had to do something for one of them and had to leave the other one sitting there. It made me nervous about having another one but I know once we do have another baby it will all just fall into place.
Speaking of another baby - Bob is already asking when we are going to have our next one! We have 2 frozen embryos waiting for us. (I always tease that they are Adam's sisters). I always thought that I would want to have the Frozen Egg Transfer sooner rather than later but now I don't know - I kind of want Adam to be a little older so that we can just focus on him for a while. My brother and I are 2 years apart and I think that sounds good but I think Bob might want to have them 1 1/2 years apart so we'll just see. I am just so happy right now with my baby boy and can't even think about that right now.
He has now had peas, carrots and sweet potatoes. He has seemed to like everything we have given him thus far. We have green beans and squash to try and then we'll be moving onto fruits. I have a feeling he'll love those.
This past weekend I had my niece spend the night. We had a lot of fun - making cupcakes and watching Disney movies but she is definately a handful right now. She is 2 years old and when you tell her no she does not like it at all and will have a tantrum. So needless to say I gave into her a lot. But I figured I am the fun aunt and that's what I should do :) She loves Adam or "Baby Adam" as she calls him and was a huge help wanting to get diapers and help feed him. But wow - it's hard to have 2 little ones around - such a big difference from one - especially since I had them alone. I felt guilty when I had to do something for one of them and had to leave the other one sitting there. It made me nervous about having another one but I know once we do have another baby it will all just fall into place.
Speaking of another baby - Bob is already asking when we are going to have our next one! We have 2 frozen embryos waiting for us. (I always tease that they are Adam's sisters). I always thought that I would want to have the Frozen Egg Transfer sooner rather than later but now I don't know - I kind of want Adam to be a little older so that we can just focus on him for a while. My brother and I are 2 years apart and I think that sounds good but I think Bob might want to have them 1 1/2 years apart so we'll just see. I am just so happy right now with my baby boy and can't even think about that right now.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Trip to the Zoo
Yesterday was a gorgeous day and Adam and I went to the zoo with my sister and her two kids! We had a blast! Adam loved looking around and being outside - I don't think he noticed the animals at all but he was having a good time watching his cousins (he loves being around them). My sister and I are going to try and go at least once a month if not more since I am a member and it didn't cost us anything and next time we are going to bring our own lunches which will be even cheaper.
I found a ticklish spot on Adam! Right under his arms - he squeals everytime I tickle him there - it's so cute! I called Bob last night so he could hear him. We ate carrots for 4 days so I think it's safe to say that he's not allergic to them, tonight we are going to try either peas or green beans, I haven't decided which one yet. I wish I knew how long it would be for his little system to regulate to having food. He used to have a BM everyday and now it's like every other day - I hope that's ok. I might call the doctor just to make sure. He doesn't seem like he is in any pain or anything so I think he is fine but I just want to double check.
I think I hear little man waking up - I'll let you all know how the new food goes tonight!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I Like Carrots!
But boy are they messy!
We have now moved onto veggies! We have just tried carrots thus far but after tomorrow we will move onto something else. I didn't realize how much of a mess it would be. The bib he has on is my favorite one - it says "Handsome Like Daddy" and it is now stained orange! I washed it 3 times and couldn't get it all out. So needless to say I went out and purchased a plastic bib that we'll use when he eats.
Tomorrow we are going to the zoo with my sister and niece and nephew! I am really looking forward to it - I joined the zoo this year so that Adam and I could go as much as we wanted and I haven't used the membership yet so tomorrow will be the first day. With the membership I got it's free parking and I get in along with one guest. It's perfect for my sister and I to go because the kids are all too young to be charged for so it will cost us nothing!
Hopefully the days start going by faster! I am really missing Bob and am so ready for him to be home (we still have awhile to go). He's been gone since the 13th and I am so ready for it to be May 9th (when he comes home). It's really hard to take care of Adam by myself. I love spending time with Adam and taking care of him and just being his Mommy but Mommy needs sometime to herself too and I just can't do that with Bob gone. My parent's try to help as much as they can but they are on a cruise right now and don't get back until Sunday and my sister lives an hour away so it's not easy for us to get together. Oh well hopefully it will be May 9th before we know it!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
4 Month Stats
We had Adam's 4 month check up yesterday. He now weighs 14 lbs. 14 oz. (50%), is 24 3/4 inches (25%) and his head circumfrance is in the 75% (I don't remember the exact measurement. Doctor said he is doing great and actually is having us start on solids. I knew he was going to say that because my sister uses the same pediatrician and he always starts at 4 months (if they parents want to). Don't tell but I gave Adam cereal last Tuesday before Bob left so that he could be there for the first time and I am glad we did. His face was hilarious! I hadn't given him anymore until last night. He did the funny faces again but towards the end he really started to get the hang of it and he did well this morning. I am going to probably stick with cereal for a couple of weeks and then I will start on veggies one at a time. I can't believe we are here - I swear the time goes by so fast!
The past few days Adam has gotten SO good at reaching for toys and things placed in front of him. It was like all of a sudden he figured out how his arms and hands work. I love how he is developing so much - so much fun to watch. I still feel so blessed that God gave me this amazing gift!
I was nervous Adam would be really cranky and sleepy for a couple of days after the shots he had (he was at 2 months) but he is his normal happy self.
I'll leave you with a picture of the amazing men in my life! (That is my daddy in the background)
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Long Time!
I have been the worst blogger ever! I am hoping to be able to write more consistently now but I can't promise anything.
Things have been SO wonderful in my world. Adam is doing great and is growing like a weed - he'll turn 4 months on Saturday - I can't believe it! I am now a stay at home mom and am enjoying every second of it! I feel so blessed that Bob is working his tail off so that I can stay home with our baby boy - all of my dreams are coming true. All I ever wanted to be in life was a wife and a mother and now I am living my dream!
What can I tell you all about Adam. Not sure what his height and weight is - I'll post that after we go for his 4 month check up. But he is a extremely happy baby! He smiles all of the time and recently just started laughing out loud. That is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard, my heart melts every time I hear it! He is able to roll from his tummy to his back and almost has the other way, I give it another 2 weeks or so and he'll master that. He "talks" all of the time and loves to hear the sound of his voice. We have many conversations all day long. Now that it is getting warmer outside we are able to go out for walks and he LOVES it, especially now that I am able to put him in the stroller like a big boy instead of the car seat portion. He loves to be able to look around at everyone.
I promise I will try to be a better blogger. But here is a recent picture of my little man!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Are We Spoiling Him?
Things have been busy here as you can imagine but they have been great - I love being a Mommy so much! I am still trying to get used to the idea of just letting things go - like having a completely clean house all of the time but I think I am doing a pretty good job at that even though I have a way to go in that department. I have always been such a neat freak with my house and not being able to always pick up everything or keep up on the dishes or laundry has been a struggle for me. Luckily Bob has totally taken over the laundry part - I can't believe how much laundry one little tiny baby makes a week! It doesn't help that Bob has yet to master the art of changing a diaper before Adam decides to pee all over the place. I had the pleasure of being sprayed a few times but I think I have gotten faster with changing his diaper so I don't get wet anymore :)
The past couple of days Adam has been so much more alert lately! He is awake most of the morning which is so much fun! I just sit there and talk to him all morning and we have a black and white rattle that he loves to look at and follow with his eyes. We also do a bit of tummy time but he doesn't like that too much at all. His head control is getting so much better too! I can't believe how quickly the time is going by and how fast he is growing already at only 3 weeks of age! I want time to slow down.
So I think we are raising a very spoiled little boy! I will admit between either Bob or myself he is held pretty much all day long! I loved it at the beginning just cuddling with him all day but there are times now when I would like to put him down so I can get somethings done but he won't let us. Also he will not sleep at all unless one of us is holding him (this has just come up the past couple of days). He will only nap if we are holding him and at night he sleeps in bed with us. I always said I would never let him sleep in bed with us but after a few sleepless nights I gave up and have put him in bed with us. I am already dreading breaking that habit and wondering when I should do it. I feel like he is still so young and we should do anything he wants at this point. I want to eventually get him on a schedule and everything but I have always heard that you should spoil a newborn for sometime (it helps them feel secure) but when is the point that the spoiling should end?
Here's a cute family picture of us that my mom sent me from her camera - Adam is one day old here. I actually haven't taken any pictures of him lately, I'll have to bring out the camera again because I feel like he is changing daily!