Monday, July 19, 2010

7 Months and Next Step and Big Move

My little guy turned 7 months on Saturday! He is doing so great! Loves to eat just about everything - we started giving him apples, watermelon and canteloupe in one of those mesh holder things and he gets so excited when he sees us get it out of the drawer! He loves fruit, it makes a huge mess but he is so happy that I don't care. We have also started to give him some teething biscuits and puffs which is so funny to watch him "chew". He doesn't like juice though or water so I am just going to stick with formula - I don't really want him drinking juice right now anyway - the doctor just suggested trying when he gets constipated but we haven't had issues with that lately so I am not going to worry about the juice thing. He is now sitting up really well on his own and is starting to get up on all fours but can't figure out what to do from there. He does scoot though on his tummy and is all over the place!

We got his 6 month pictures ordered finally and I hope to have them soon so I can post them - they turned our really, really cute! What else - oh yea - his newest discovery - his little member! He especially loves to find it when he is in the bathtub - I can't help but laugh everytime he does because he gets this really funny look on his face and it just kills me everytime!

Bob and I went to our RE today to discuss the 2 frozen embryos we have because big news in our house, Bob got a full time job and we will be relocating to Detroit, MI! Bob is really excited to be going back to his hometown - all of his family and friends are there. I am excited for the move too but also really sad to be leaving my mom and dad, sister and her family in Chicago. I try not to think about that too much and keep telling myself that Chicago is only a short 4-5 hour drive from where we are looking to move to in Detroit. One good thing for us is that we can get an amazing house right now in Detroit for what ours cost in Chicago - I just hope that we can sell our house. I have pretty much come to the conclusion that we aren't going to make any money on this house, I just don't want to have to pay anymore than what we have already put into it. We never imagined 2 years ago when we moved in here that we would be leaving so soon!

Anyway - the appointment today. Bob and I were pretty sure that we wanted to transfer the embryos before we moved (November/December) - we wanted our kids to be 1 1/2 years apart or so. Good thing we went in to discuss because the RE would like to start are the pre-work and testing in August for a October/November transfer! So it looks like we will be on our way next month! We have 2 frozen embryos and we will thaw and transfer both of them - the RE said they were both "excellent" as far as the condition even better than the ones we transferred on our IVF cycle so she once again reitterated that twins is a possibility. I can't believe that the ball is going to start rolling soon! It is so funny going through all of this the 2nd time around. I told Bob when we were in the elevator that I was so relaxed as compared to what I would feel when we would have appointments for the IVF. We already have one completely perfect baby that I really think I would be fine if that was all we ended up with. So I just don't feel as stressed out or pressure this time.

1 comment:

Meant to be a mom said...

He is so stinking cute! I just love that last picture of you two. Happy 7 months.
I'm glad he's doing good. Oh and that he realized he has a "member" HAHA! I know exactly what you mean though. When our son found his It was hilarious.

How exciting about your appointment. My prayers are with you guys for number two. Or three!
Keep us updated...

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