Thursday, April 15, 2010

Long Time!

I have been the worst blogger ever! I am hoping to be able to write more consistently now but I can't promise anything.

Things have been SO wonderful in my world. Adam is doing great and is growing like a weed - he'll turn 4 months on Saturday - I can't believe it! I am now a stay at home mom and am enjoying every second of it! I feel so blessed that Bob is working his tail off so that I can stay home with our baby boy - all of my dreams are coming true. All I ever wanted to be in life was a wife and a mother and now I am living my dream!

What can I tell you all about Adam. Not sure what his height and weight is - I'll post that after we go for his 4 month check up. But he is a extremely happy baby! He smiles all of the time and recently just started laughing out loud. That is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard, my heart melts every time I hear it! He is able to roll from his tummy to his back and almost has the other way, I give it another 2 weeks or so and he'll master that. He "talks" all of the time and loves to hear the sound of his voice. We have many conversations all day long. Now that it is getting warmer outside we are able to go out for walks and he LOVES it, especially now that I am able to put him in the stroller like a big boy instead of the car seat portion. He loves to be able to look around at everyone.

I promise I will try to be a better blogger. But here is a recent picture of my little man!


Unknown said...

Glad you are so happy! What a blessing to be living your dream! Adam is a DOLL!

Meant to be a mom said...

Love that pic. I'm so glad your all doing well. I can't believe he's already 4 months old.

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