Mr. Adam turned 8 months old yesterday! Please, please, please let the time go by slower - this is happening way too fast! We had his check up today and everything was great! He is 17 pounds 12 ounces (25%) and 26.5 inches long (5%) - he only gained 12 ounces and grew an inch from his last appointment but the doctor said that was fine because this is about the time that he'll start slowing down a bit. Could have fooled me with the way he has been eating lately I would have thought he was going through a growth spurt! He is waking up now at night to eat just as much as he did when he was a newborn! I didn't talk to the doctor about it, not sure why but I wish I would have. I think I am going to try something different tonight to see if it makes a difference. We only make him 4 ounces at night (our thinking is that the less we give him the sooner he will be weaned off of the night feedings) but maybe that's not right and I should make the same size bottle I do for him during the day - so we'll see what happens tonight. Dr. Mike (his pediatrician that we LOVE) also said he could have pretty much anything to eat as far as table food as long as it's in small pieces for him (except for the no no's like milk, fish, honey and such). So this is going to be fun introducing him to all kinds of new foods! I really hope that we can start off on the right foot with him trying and liking a variety of different foods - I really don't want a picky eater.
Adam now has 4 teeth on top (no more fang) and the 2 bottom ones still. He started to crawl! But he is still kind of slow with it so when he sees something he really wants he'll crawl for a second and then plops down and scoots "army crawls" the rest of the way because he is SO FAST at that! We have been quite busy lately - my husband's brother and his family came in town last weekend and stayed at our house! We had a great time with them and are so glad they came, we have been wanting them to come since we moved into our house 2 years ago. Adam loved his cousins! He got so much attention and was so spoiled! They wore him out because he slept most of the day on Monday! Then on Sunday he went to his first professional baseball game! The Chicago White Sox vs. Detroit Tigers! Of course we were all decked out in our Tiger gear! The Tigers won and we had a great time! Adam even got a foul ball! The tickets were a gift for Bob for his birthday from my parent's so they were with us too and of course spoiled Adam with a hat, bat, program and even Dippin Dots at the game!
Happy 8th Month Birthday, Adam! My he is getting big! Watching him learn and discover new foods is a lot of fun! Enjoy! Make sure to take a lot of pictures :)
Wow, happy 8 months. I can't believe how big he's getting and how much he's doing. He's so smart. And my goodness he has a lot of teeth. Good for him. It sounds like he's doing great :)
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