Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Where are the Renters?

So we are down to a couple of weeks before our big move and we haven't found a renter for our house yet! I am really getting nervous - we had someone who offered to rent but it was for $400 less than what we were asking but I am thinking that if we don't find anyone soon we might have to go back to them - it's a lot easier to swallow losing $400 per month versus paying our whole mortgage on our own! It just makes me sick because when I see what is out there, what these people are asking to pay is what 1 and 2 bedroom townhomes are going for and we have a really nice 3 bedroom house that we have done a ton of work to.
I just keeping praying that everything will work out and I have to try and make myself see the positive in this that we will all three be together as a family all of the time. Now if I could just motivate myself to start packing.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Big Changes

So we have known for almost a year now that we were going to be moving to Michigan because Bob accepted a full-time job. We have had our house on the market since January without any bites - in the meantime Bob has been commuting from Chicago to Detroit every single Monday-Friday and it has really gotten to him. So we have decided to rent a home in Detroit and in turn rent out our home in Chicago for a year and see what happens and maybe put it back on the market then if things are looking better.
So I went to Detroit last week to look and see what was out there to rent and fell in love with this amazing house and we just found out we got it! So we are moving July 15th! One month away - I have mixed feelings. I am excited for this beautiful home and that Bob won't have to commute like that anymore and that we'll get to see him every night. But I am so sad to leave my family here in Chicago. At least it's only a 5 hour drive but I only have to drive 15 minutes to see them now so it will be an adjustment. But all of Bob's family lives in Detroit so we will have family there and Adam will have tons of cousins to babysit him and for him to look up to - they are all a bit older than him.
So now I am praying that we find a renter really soon for our house because it would not be fun paying rent for one house and paying our mortgage here all on our own!