Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Baby's First Christmas

Our first Christmas as a family was everything I could dream of! It was so amazing to have Adam in our arms as we celebrated the holidays with family. Adam got lots of great gifts from everyone and he spoiled Mommy and got me a gorgeous pair of earrings with his birth stone in them! My favorite was on Christmas morning we all woke up and laid in bed for awhile just staring at our baby boy and then we went downstairs and saw that Santa had come for Adam. That was always so exciting for me growing up, I love being able to start new traditions with our little family now.

Tomorrow Adam will be 2 weeks old already! He has been such a great baby, we are so lucky. He never cries, only when he is really hungry or when he is getting a bath. The nights have been great too - he only gets up at 12:00, 3:00 and 6:00 - I really can't complain about that at all - I actually feel rested in the morning. The pediatrician told us we can now go out with Adam - thank goodness, I was getting stir crazy staying in the house! Adam weighs 7 pounds and 11 ounces now so he is gaining weight really well. I think he is going through a growth spurt though - for the past 2 days he has wanted to eat every hour (sometimes even 30-45 minutes after the last feeding). So I feel like all I have done is sit on the couch to feed him but I am loving our special cuddle time! Speaking of feeding - the breastfeeding has been going relatively well and gets easier everyday but it was a hard start.

I am feeling great! I really never thought I would recover so fast from the c-section but it's amazing how good I feel. I have to remind myself all of the time that I had surgery and I can't go full speed ahead yet - I need to still take it easy!

Here are a few pictures from Christmas....
My Whole Family (Brother-in-Law, Sister, Nephew, Brother, Dad, Niece, Mom, Me, Adam and Bob) - Not a great picture of me at all, I look huge but I have to remind myself it was only one week after c-section and I was so tired in that picture it was 10:00 at night (way past my bedtime)!

Christmas Morning under the tree with the Teddy Bear my Mom got him at Harrods in England.

Christmas Tradition - My Mom reading Twas the Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve to all of her grandkids in their matching PJs.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

He's Here!!!!!

We had our baby boy Adam Robert on December 17th at 3:06 p.m. 7 pounds 8 ounces and 20 1/2 inches long - just perfect!

We arrived at the hospital at 11:00 a.m. for our c-section scheduled at 1:00 p.m. We got admitted and checked into our room. Had a series of questions asked by the nurse and spoke with the anesthesiologist and the doctor. We had a discussion with the anesthesiologist that I have scoliosis (curvature of the spine and had to wear a brace growing up) so going into it we knew that doing a spinal was going to be a bit more of a challenge but it shouldn't be a problem at all. At about 12:30 p.m. we walked down the hall to the OR. Bob sat in a chair right outside of the OR and I went in. The anesthesiologist did have a hard time getting the spinal in and it took some time (to me it felt like forever - my neck was cramping from the position you have to sit in while they are doing it). Finally, he got it and I was laid down and they prepped the room and everyone scrubbed in. They were just about ready to have Bob come in when the doctors did the numbness test and I told them I wasn't numb at all in my bikini area and my mid abdomen! But I was completely numb on both sides and my legs and bottom. So they tilted the table towards my head as low as it could go to see if we could get the spinal to even out - I felt like I was in that position for a good 45 minutes with still no change. So at that point the anesthesiologist told me that we have two options - epidural or general anesthesia. Obviously I said I didn't want to go to sleep - so everyone had to tear everything down and unscrub. Round 2! We did the epidural, since my legs and bottom were already numb I didn't feel a thing, so that was a piece of cake! Finally, I was completely numb! S o they prepped everything again and rescrubbed in and finally 2 hours later DH was able to come into the OR! Very quickly after that I heard the beautiful cry of my baby boy! Recovery has been great and I am already home less than 48 hours after the operation and we are just getting the nack of breastfeeding.

Obviously he wasn't as big as we were expecting him to be - so ultrasounds can definately be wrong like they tell you. But my doctor talked to me afterwards and said I probably would have ended up with a c-section anyways because he wasn't even close to being engaged into my pelvis and they think that is possible because of my scoliosis and that my pelvis is tilted sideways and off center. So even if I would have waited a week or two and gotten induced chances are very high that I would have ended up in the same situation after hours of labor. So do I regret doing a c-section - yes and no. I am sad that I didn't get to have the experience of pushing him out and being able to hold him right away (I didn't get to hold him until I was in the recovery room for 1/2 hour). But I can honestly say I am not sad that I missed the opportunity to feel labor pains. And I am just so happy that everyone is here happy and healthy!

Being a Mommy has been more than I ever imagined it to be! I can't describe how madly in love I am with by angel! And I have fallen more in love with Bob! Seeing the two of them together is the most amazing thing in the world! I knew Bob would be a good dad but he is so much more than I ever imagined!

Here are a couple of pictures from the hospital photo session.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Adam's Birthday will be.....

This Thursday, December 17th!!!!! I had my 39 week appointment this morning. The doctor checked me and Adam is still way up there floating around, I am not dilated and my cervix is not thinning out at all. The doctor strongly felt that Adam is just too big and would not be delivered vaginally so he said the best and safest option for delivery would be to just schedule a c-section. So off we go on Thursday at 1:00 p.m. to have our c-section. We need to be at the hospital at 11:00 a.m.

I can't believe on Thursday I will be a Mommy! I am so excited but also so scared at the same time! I have never had surgery or stayed in a hospital before but most of all I just want to make sure Adam is ok. I have to admit I am a just a tad bit sad that I won't be experiencing a vaginal birth but on the other hand it is nice to know exactly when he is coming. I have SO much I want to do before he gets here. I am going to deep, deep clean my house - make sure everything is completely set for Adam - make and freeze some meals and I am sure there a million of other things I'll think of!

This is going to be the BEST Christmas ever!!!!!

Dear God,
Please watch over all of us coming up and on Thursday! Please keep me and my sweet angel safe and help us to have a uncomplicated delivery! Thank you again for giving us the gift of this amazing miracle - the past 9 months have been such a dream come true to experience this pregnancy! You are so amazing!
Alicia & Bob

Dear Adam,
Oh my goodness I can't believe in just 3 short days you will be in my arms. Mommy and Daddy are so excited and can't wait to see you! Mommy is going to savor these last feel days when I have you just to myself and feel you move inside. You have no idea how much Mommy and Daddy love you and how LONG we have waited for you! You are our miracle and we hope that we show you everyday with our love! There is NOTHING we wouldn't do for you!
We Love You Angel!
Mommy & Daddy

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Doctor's Update

So let's just say I left the doctor's office in tears! I had my first internal exam and nothing is going on - my cervix is still closed and he said baby is WAY up there. Not really what I wanted to hear, I thought for sure something was going on because of the symptoms I have been having but I was wrong obviously. The doctor then went on to discuss how he was concerned about how big Adam is which left me confused, if they are so concerned about the size and knowing that he gains an ounce everyday why don't they do something about it. Oh well, I guess my patience will be tested like it never has before and I'll just have to wait it out. I just really want him here for Christmas but am starting to feel like maybe I should take the Baby's First Christmas stuff I bought should be taken back.

One bright spot in all of this is that my boss is allowing me to work from home for the rest of this pregnancy! That definately helps deal with all of this a lot. It was such a chore to take my 1 1/2 hour one way train ride everyday and sit in the office all day - so knowing I don't have to do that really helps me deal with how uncomfortable I am. Now I can freely move from the kitchen table, to the recliner, to the couch with my laptop and just work.

Dear God,
Thank you for continuing to watch over us and Adam. I know he is safe and sound where he is right now.
Alicia & Bob

Dear Adam,
I think you might have a little bit of your Daddy in you. You are going to procrastinate aren't you? I just hope you don't come too late - we really want to experience Christmas with you this year!
Mommy & Daddy

Monday, December 7, 2009

38 Weeks

Baby has really plumped up. He weighs about 6.8 pounds and is over 19 1/2 inches long (although we already know Adam is bigger than that - last Tuesday he was 8 pounds already). He has a firm grasp, which I'll soon be able to test when I hold his hand for the first time! His organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb! You might be able to tell what color baby's eyes are when he's born. If he's born with brown eyes, they'll likely stay brown. If he's born with steel gray or dark blue eyes, they may stay gray or blue or turn green, hazel, or brown by the time he's 9 months old. That's because a child's irises may gain more pigment in the months after he's born, they usually won't get "lighter" or more blue.

I really am hoping that Adam will have blue eyes just like his Daddy! His Daddy has the most amazing blue eyes and I would love it if our son has them! We'll have to wait and see. I am so ready for my next appointment tomorrow - I can't wait to see if anything is going on. Keep your fingers crossed that something is happening because if that is the case I am pretty sure we'll be able to schedule and induction for next week! I cannot wait to hold my baby in my arms! I started working from home today - I had a bad night last night with sleep and am just so uncomfortable and the thought of sitting in my desk chair all day just brought me to tears. So I have been bringing my computer and files home every night just in case something happens. Hopefully, I'll just be working from home the rest of this pregnancy!

Dear God,
Please watch over us tomorrow as we go to the doctor and for the rest of the time of this pregnancy. We are really ready to see our miracle you gave us.
Thank you!
Alicia & Bob

Dear Adam,
Oh boy Mommy sure hopes that something is going on so that we can schedule for you to come! I can't wait anymore and am so ready for you to be here! We can't wait to see who you look like, what your personality is like and just ready to start our lives together as a family!
We Love You!
Mommy & Daddy

Friday, December 4, 2009


Just wanted to let you all know I have nothing new to report. Nothing is happening with my body at all - I was kind of hoping contractions would start after the other day but nope, nada! Oh well, I will be so anxious to see at my exam on Tuesday if anything is happening.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hmmmm... Is Something Going On?

I am wondering if something is going on with my body - just went to the bathroom and saw some blood (not much at all) but makes me wonder if it the bloody show you hear about! According to research I have done it means that this is a sign that my cervix is dialating and/0r effacing! They also said you can usually expect to go into labor anywhere from several days to several hours from then! But I also read it could be a couple of weeks too. Either way, my body is definately doing something right now and it's just around the corner!

Bob is going to LA this weekend, I really want him to stay home just in case! I guess we'll see if anything starts to happen tonight or if the show gets heavier, I am making him stay home!

Come on Adam - Mommy and Daddy are SO ready for you to come into this world!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


So we had an appointment today where we had an ultrasound. As of today Adam is 8 pounds! So he's big but not huge by any means but technically I still have 3 weeks left and at this point he will gain an ounce everyday. So if I go all the way to my due date he will be just over 9 pounds. I didn't meet with my normal doctor today but the doctor I spoke with did say that there is a chance that they could induce me at 39 weeks but only if my body is gearing up on it's own for labor - meaning my cervix is ripe and I am dialating a bit. Next week I will see my normal doctor and have my first internal exam to see if anything is happening. I will just pray, pray, pray that something is starting to happen by then. Now I am nervous that Adam won't be here for Christmas and I was so looking forward to spending the holiday with my baby boy.