Saturday, December 19, 2009

He's Here!!!!!

We had our baby boy Adam Robert on December 17th at 3:06 p.m. 7 pounds 8 ounces and 20 1/2 inches long - just perfect!

We arrived at the hospital at 11:00 a.m. for our c-section scheduled at 1:00 p.m. We got admitted and checked into our room. Had a series of questions asked by the nurse and spoke with the anesthesiologist and the doctor. We had a discussion with the anesthesiologist that I have scoliosis (curvature of the spine and had to wear a brace growing up) so going into it we knew that doing a spinal was going to be a bit more of a challenge but it shouldn't be a problem at all. At about 12:30 p.m. we walked down the hall to the OR. Bob sat in a chair right outside of the OR and I went in. The anesthesiologist did have a hard time getting the spinal in and it took some time (to me it felt like forever - my neck was cramping from the position you have to sit in while they are doing it). Finally, he got it and I was laid down and they prepped the room and everyone scrubbed in. They were just about ready to have Bob come in when the doctors did the numbness test and I told them I wasn't numb at all in my bikini area and my mid abdomen! But I was completely numb on both sides and my legs and bottom. So they tilted the table towards my head as low as it could go to see if we could get the spinal to even out - I felt like I was in that position for a good 45 minutes with still no change. So at that point the anesthesiologist told me that we have two options - epidural or general anesthesia. Obviously I said I didn't want to go to sleep - so everyone had to tear everything down and unscrub. Round 2! We did the epidural, since my legs and bottom were already numb I didn't feel a thing, so that was a piece of cake! Finally, I was completely numb! S o they prepped everything again and rescrubbed in and finally 2 hours later DH was able to come into the OR! Very quickly after that I heard the beautiful cry of my baby boy! Recovery has been great and I am already home less than 48 hours after the operation and we are just getting the nack of breastfeeding.

Obviously he wasn't as big as we were expecting him to be - so ultrasounds can definately be wrong like they tell you. But my doctor talked to me afterwards and said I probably would have ended up with a c-section anyways because he wasn't even close to being engaged into my pelvis and they think that is possible because of my scoliosis and that my pelvis is tilted sideways and off center. So even if I would have waited a week or two and gotten induced chances are very high that I would have ended up in the same situation after hours of labor. So do I regret doing a c-section - yes and no. I am sad that I didn't get to have the experience of pushing him out and being able to hold him right away (I didn't get to hold him until I was in the recovery room for 1/2 hour). But I can honestly say I am not sad that I missed the opportunity to feel labor pains. And I am just so happy that everyone is here happy and healthy!

Being a Mommy has been more than I ever imagined it to be! I can't describe how madly in love I am with by angel! And I have fallen more in love with Bob! Seeing the two of them together is the most amazing thing in the world! I knew Bob would be a good dad but he is so much more than I ever imagined!

Here are a couple of pictures from the hospital photo session.


Meant to be a mom said...

Oh my goodness, he is just precious! I'm so happy for you guys. Congratulations!
Enjoy these first few weeks with the most amazing person to ever enter you life. They are so fun, special and amazing.
He is just beatuiful.

Unknown said...

Well isn't he just the SWEETEST BOY?? How darling! CONGRATS on your Christmas MIRACLE!

A n T said...

Congrats! He is adorable!

Lisa said...

Congratulations! He is so sweet!

L.M said...

Oh! isn't he absolutely perfect!!!! Congrats! Motherhood is definately soemthing else! Remember dear, when all else fails, and it might.... You are his world and no one will ever love you as much as he does.

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