Saturday, January 28, 2012

Transfer is Complete

We transferred 2 beautiful Grade A blastocysts this morning! My doctor couldn't be more pleased with them and the best part is besides those 2 we still have 6 more growing in the lab - so in a few days we'll see how many of those made it to the freeze process. Now I am on 48 hours of bedrest - my parents are in town and took my son out all day and my husband is here to be my slave :) I have a stack of movies to watch and am looking forward to just relaxing the next 2 days!

Friday, January 27, 2012


So anxious for tomorrow to just be here! I really want to know how our 10 embryos are doing and I won't know until tomorrow morning at 7:30 when we show up for our transfer! I just pray that we have 2 beautiful ones to be able to transfer. Then I am on bedrest for 48 hours - I have my list of movies for my hubby to rent for me and have cleaned the house and done the laundry. My parent's are coming in town to help with Adam and I am actually thinking about going back home with them on Monday so that my dad can help me with Adam the rest of the week since Bob has to go back to work and I just really want to take it easy as much as I can next week. So if I do I will either have to learn out to give my Progesterone injection to myself (although it seems difficult to do myself since it's in such a hard area to reach for me) or my dad will have to learn how to do it since my mom will be out of town all next week. I don't know what I'll end up doing but for now I am leaning towards going home with them but we'll see.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Fertilization Report

I just got the call with our fertilization report - out of the 22 eggs retrieved 16 of them were mature and of those 10 of them fertilized! I am so excited - so my transfer will be Saturday at 8:00 a.m. - then the long wait until my bloodwork on February 6th!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Egg Retrieval Update

Egg retrieval went great today - they got 22 eggs!!!! I am in shock, with Adam they got 10 so I was expecting the same amount this time. I couldn't be happier, I know this doesn't gaurantee anything but I have just felt so good this whole cycle. So I will either have the embryo transfer Thursday or Saturday but my doctor told me today he can pretty much gaurantee that it will be Saturday based on the number of eggs. Early tomorrow afternoon I will get the fertilization report, I can't wait for that phone call! Thank you God for all of the amazing blessings you have bestowed upon us!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Egg Retrieval Scheduled

My scan went well today! I have around 20+ follicles that are mostly measuring around 17mm. So I drop one of my meds tonight and just do the shot that prevents ovulation. Lower my one shot in the AM tomorrow and do my trigger shot at exactly 8:00 p.m. tomorrow night. Then at 8:00 a.m. on Monday is the retrieval! I am so excited to be at this point and just keep praying that everything continues as well as it has to this point.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

First Scan Update

I had my first ultrasound today after starting stims and things are looking great! I have 12 or so follicles on one side and around 8 on the other. The RE was super pleased with everything - he said they are all around the same size which is great! They are actually lowering my evening dose of meds a little bit and I have to add another shot to prevent ovulation. So I will be doing 3 shots a day for a few days. I go back on Friday for one more check but the RE told me today that my egg retrieval will definately be on Sunday or Monday! We are moving along, I am so excited!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

One Down...

Just finished with my first injection for the morning! It wasn't bad at all. I was on the phone with Bob while he was at work as I did it. Adam was standing right there curious as to what I was doing. When I finished it Adam then said "Good job Mommy" - so funny! It's like he knew I was a little nervous about it.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Tomorrow is the Start of a New Journey

So I went to the RE today for a suppression check to make sure my ovaries are "quiet" as they like to say. Everything looked good and my bloodwork came back quiet too so I start my shots tomorrow morning! One shot of 225 of Follistim in the morning and then one shot of 225 of Menopur in the evening. My next check at the doctor is next Wednesday. Shockingly I am not nervous at all! I am just really excited to get started, it's so strange how good I feel about everything. I just know it's going to work, it just has to.

Dear God,
Please watch over us as we begin this new journey in our lives. You have blessed us so much already!
Bob, Alicia and Adam

Friday, January 6, 2012

Pictures of Adam's Birthday

I finally downloaded the pictures from Adam's birthday and funny enough I don't have a single picture of the birthday boy! Luckily, I know my mom was taking a ton of pictures so I'll just need to get them from her. But here is some pictures of his cake, some cookies I made and the decor. I loved how everything turned out!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

I'm Back

So hopefully I don't have anymore computer issues for awhile!

Let me update you on the past month.

At the beginning of December we went to Walt Disney World with my parents. It was a blast! Seeing Adam get so excited over everything was so much fun! His face when he saw Mickey is something I will never forget! We had that we were celebrating his 2nd birthday on our reservation and they did something special at every dinner - it was so awesome! Seeing Disney at Christmas has always been on my bucket list and it didn't disappoint at all! Here are just a few of the pictures....

On the 17th we celebrated Adam's birthday! Can you guess what the theme of his party was - yes Mickey! Everything turned out so cute for his party! I don't have the pictures downloaded yet but as soon as I do I'll post for you because the cake turned out so cute! His party was so fun now that we are in Michigan all of my husband's side of the family was there and my family came in town - so we had quite a large group!
Christmas was good. We spent both Christmas Eve and Day with my family! It was fun to have the entire family at my parent's house on Christmas morning. We stayed there for a few days after and then came home for New Year's where we just had a low key night at home.
Now we are gearing up for IVF #2!!!! We just went to the doctor today to go over everything - I will be starting the stimulating drugs one week from today! My egg retrieval will be on or around January 23rd and the embryo transfer 3 to 5 days after that! So lots of prayers that in October of 2012 we will be bringing home another member of our family!