Thursday, April 29, 2010

Trip to the Zoo

Yesterday was a gorgeous day and Adam and I went to the zoo with my sister and her two kids! We had a blast! Adam loved looking around and being outside - I don't think he noticed the animals at all but he was having a good time watching his cousins (he loves being around them). My sister and I are going to try and go at least once a month if not more since I am a member and it didn't cost us anything and next time we are going to bring our own lunches which will be even cheaper.

I found a ticklish spot on Adam! Right under his arms - he squeals everytime I tickle him there - it's so cute! I called Bob last night so he could hear him. We ate carrots for 4 days so I think it's safe to say that he's not allergic to them, tonight we are going to try either peas or green beans, I haven't decided which one yet. I wish I knew how long it would be for his little system to regulate to having food. He used to have a BM everyday and now it's like every other day - I hope that's ok. I might call the doctor just to make sure. He doesn't seem like he is in any pain or anything so I think he is fine but I just want to double check.

I think I hear little man waking up - I'll let you all know how the new food goes tonight!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I Like Carrots!

But boy are they messy!

We have now moved onto veggies! We have just tried carrots thus far but after tomorrow we will move onto something else. I didn't realize how much of a mess it would be. The bib he has on is my favorite one - it says "Handsome Like Daddy" and it is now stained orange! I washed it 3 times and couldn't get it all out. So needless to say I went out and purchased a plastic bib that we'll use when he eats.
Tomorrow we are going to the zoo with my sister and niece and nephew! I am really looking forward to it - I joined the zoo this year so that Adam and I could go as much as we wanted and I haven't used the membership yet so tomorrow will be the first day. With the membership I got it's free parking and I get in along with one guest. It's perfect for my sister and I to go because the kids are all too young to be charged for so it will cost us nothing!
Hopefully the days start going by faster! I am really missing Bob and am so ready for him to be home (we still have awhile to go). He's been gone since the 13th and I am so ready for it to be May 9th (when he comes home). It's really hard to take care of Adam by myself. I love spending time with Adam and taking care of him and just being his Mommy but Mommy needs sometime to herself too and I just can't do that with Bob gone. My parent's try to help as much as they can but they are on a cruise right now and don't get back until Sunday and my sister lives an hour away so it's not easy for us to get together. Oh well hopefully it will be May 9th before we know it!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

4 Month Stats

We had Adam's 4 month check up yesterday. He now weighs 14 lbs. 14 oz. (50%), is 24 3/4 inches (25%) and his head circumfrance is in the 75% (I don't remember the exact measurement. Doctor said he is doing great and actually is having us start on solids. I knew he was going to say that because my sister uses the same pediatrician and he always starts at 4 months (if they parents want to). Don't tell but I gave Adam cereal last Tuesday before Bob left so that he could be there for the first time and I am glad we did. His face was hilarious! I hadn't given him anymore until last night. He did the funny faces again but towards the end he really started to get the hang of it and he did well this morning. I am going to probably stick with cereal for a couple of weeks and then I will start on veggies one at a time. I can't believe we are here - I swear the time goes by so fast!

The past few days Adam has gotten SO good at reaching for toys and things placed in front of him. It was like all of a sudden he figured out how his arms and hands work. I love how he is developing so much - so much fun to watch. I still feel so blessed that God gave me this amazing gift!

I was nervous Adam would be really cranky and sleepy for a couple of days after the shots he had (he was at 2 months) but he is his normal happy self.
I'll leave you with a picture of the amazing men in my life! (That is my daddy in the background)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Long Time!

I have been the worst blogger ever! I am hoping to be able to write more consistently now but I can't promise anything.

Things have been SO wonderful in my world. Adam is doing great and is growing like a weed - he'll turn 4 months on Saturday - I can't believe it! I am now a stay at home mom and am enjoying every second of it! I feel so blessed that Bob is working his tail off so that I can stay home with our baby boy - all of my dreams are coming true. All I ever wanted to be in life was a wife and a mother and now I am living my dream!

What can I tell you all about Adam. Not sure what his height and weight is - I'll post that after we go for his 4 month check up. But he is a extremely happy baby! He smiles all of the time and recently just started laughing out loud. That is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard, my heart melts every time I hear it! He is able to roll from his tummy to his back and almost has the other way, I give it another 2 weeks or so and he'll master that. He "talks" all of the time and loves to hear the sound of his voice. We have many conversations all day long. Now that it is getting warmer outside we are able to go out for walks and he LOVES it, especially now that I am able to put him in the stroller like a big boy instead of the car seat portion. He loves to be able to look around at everyone.

I promise I will try to be a better blogger. But here is a recent picture of my little man!