Thursday, April 22, 2010

4 Month Stats

We had Adam's 4 month check up yesterday. He now weighs 14 lbs. 14 oz. (50%), is 24 3/4 inches (25%) and his head circumfrance is in the 75% (I don't remember the exact measurement. Doctor said he is doing great and actually is having us start on solids. I knew he was going to say that because my sister uses the same pediatrician and he always starts at 4 months (if they parents want to). Don't tell but I gave Adam cereal last Tuesday before Bob left so that he could be there for the first time and I am glad we did. His face was hilarious! I hadn't given him anymore until last night. He did the funny faces again but towards the end he really started to get the hang of it and he did well this morning. I am going to probably stick with cereal for a couple of weeks and then I will start on veggies one at a time. I can't believe we are here - I swear the time goes by so fast!

The past few days Adam has gotten SO good at reaching for toys and things placed in front of him. It was like all of a sudden he figured out how his arms and hands work. I love how he is developing so much - so much fun to watch. I still feel so blessed that God gave me this amazing gift!

I was nervous Adam would be really cranky and sleepy for a couple of days after the shots he had (he was at 2 months) but he is his normal happy self.
I'll leave you with a picture of the amazing men in my life! (That is my daddy in the background)


Lisa said...

Great update! He's such a cutie patootie!

Meant to be a mom said...

What a cute baby boy he is.
I'm glad he's doing good. And no worries about giving him food a little early. I mean the doctor tells you when they feel its best and why but that doesn't mean you have to follow everything on the dot. If he took it than he was ready:) At least that's my opinion.

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