Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Monday morning Adam rolled from his back to his tummy for the first time. He has been going crazy since then - he kind of rolls across the room now! I haven't actually seen him do it but I will put him under his play gym and go and do something and he'll be completely across the room from where the gym is. It's so funny because I'll always ask him how he got over there and he'll have this huge, proud grin on his face. This is just the beginning of his independence and it's so amazing to watch.

He has now had peas, carrots and sweet potatoes. He has seemed to like everything we have given him thus far. We have green beans and squash to try and then we'll be moving onto fruits. I have a feeling he'll love those.

This past weekend I had my niece spend the night. We had a lot of fun - making cupcakes and watching Disney movies but she is definately a handful right now. She is 2 years old and when you tell her no she does not like it at all and will have a tantrum. So needless to say I gave into her a lot. But I figured I am the fun aunt and that's what I should do :) She loves Adam or "Baby Adam" as she calls him and was a huge help wanting to get diapers and help feed him. But wow - it's hard to have 2 little ones around - such a big difference from one - especially since I had them alone. I felt guilty when I had to do something for one of them and had to leave the other one sitting there. It made me nervous about having another one but I know once we do have another baby it will all just fall into place.

Speaking of another baby - Bob is already asking when we are going to have our next one! We have 2 frozen embryos waiting for us. (I always tease that they are Adam's sisters). I always thought that I would want to have the Frozen Egg Transfer sooner rather than later but now I don't know - I kind of want Adam to be a little older so that we can just focus on him for a while. My brother and I are 2 years apart and I think that sounds good but I think Bob might want to have them 1 1/2 years apart so we'll just see. I am just so happy right now with my baby boy and can't even think about that right now.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Yay Adam! What a genius baby ;)

I hear you on the when to have another one... I'm back and forth about it, but I'll get an even better idea after my niece is born this summer. See what a newborn and Alice is like... and then probably decide to wait awhile longer!

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