Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Just about Ready to Go!

We are just about ready to move forward with our IVF! I met with the RE (Reproductive Encronologist) and was able to get all of my questions answered! We decided to go with the Shared Success program - basically we get 3 chances at IVF in one year, if it doesn't work we get 100% refund - to me it is a win/win situation.

So we are now just waiting to get a financial clearance letter from the office in the mail this week. Once we receive that I will call the office and set up an appointment with the nurses for Bob and I to go in and learn how to mix all of the injections and how to actually give the injections (I think Bob will like that part). We will then sign all of the consent forms and pay for the procedure. It's strange the things that Bob and I have to figure out before signing the consents - like if we are going to freeze the left over eggs, if we do in the event of a divorce who gets custody, if one of us dies or both of us die what happens to the eggs! We both are like we are never going to get divorced but these are conversations we have to have.

I was hoping that I would get an estimated timeline from the RE yesterday on when we would start everything but she didn't have one yet. I have a bunch of cysts on my Right ovary so I am on birth control right now to regulate my body and hopefully that will get rid of the cysts. In the meantime I am just doing as much research as I can on what it about to happen. I have the list of medications that my RE will put me on - there is like 5 of them and all are injections. From what I can see some days I will be giving myself 2 injections but it will all be worth it in the end.

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