Monday, July 27, 2009

19 Weeks

19 weeks today - woo hoo! Adam's sensory development is exploding this week! His brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision and touch. Some reasearch suggests that he may be able to hear our voice now! He weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and measures 6 inches - about the size of a large heirloom tomato. His arems and legs are in the right proportion to each other and the rest of his body now. His kidneys continue to make urine an dthe hair on his scalp is sprouting. A waxy protective coating called the vernix caseosa is forming on his skin to prevent it from pickling in the amniotic fluid.

I think it is so cool that he can possible hear now! I have a bunch of books that I want to start reading him. My mom actually got me a Dr. Suess book that is designed to be read to the baby while he is in the womb - it is so cute! So I think I'll start reading tonight - Bob and I can take turns.

So the nursery is all painted! Bob and my dad worked on it while I was out of town for work this weekend - they did such an amazing job! I absolutely love it! It is blue with white bead board, chair railing and crown molding - I'll have to take a picture and post it. Now I can't wait to put the furniture in there!

Dear God,
Your continued blessings on us are so appreciated and we can't thank you enough!
Alicia & Bob

Dear Adam,
Your room is all painted now! Daddy and Grandpa worked so hard on it. Daddy is very proud of it and couldn't wait to show Mommy when she got home. We think you are going to love it and we just can't wait until you are here to start enjoying it!
We Love You Dear Sweet Baby Boy!
Mommy & Daddy

1 comment:

Meant to be a mom said...

Happy 19 weeks you are so close to halfway there!!!
I bet the room looks great, I can't wait to see pictures of it.

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