Monday, June 29, 2009

15 Weeks

I can't believe 15 weeks today! This pregnancy is really flying by! Baby now measures 4 inches long and weighs 2 1/2 ounces - about the size of an orange. Baby is now moving amneotic fluid through their nose and upper respitory track, which is helping the air sacs in the lungs develop. Legs are now longer than the arms and they can move all of the joints and limbs! Eyelids are still fused shut but the baby can now react to light - if I put a flash light to my tummy the baby would move away from it, that is so cool! Taste buds are forming, even though there isn't much to taste at this point.

Bob and I had a mini-vacation last week! It was so relaxing. We stayed at an adorable Bed and Breakfast in South Haven, MI. The food was SO good for breakfast each morning. We slept in everyday, went to the beach in the morning, had lunch and shopped a bit, then came back for our daily afternoon naps and went to dinner. Absolutely perfect! We bought the cutest onesies for the baby - one says "I'm a Miracle", so true-I had to buy it! And the other one has Christmas holly on it and says "The BEST present ever", again so true! I can't wait to see our little one in it.

Dear God,
Thank you for your continued blessings!
Alicia & Bob

Dear Baby,
Mommy & Daddy bought you lots of stuff this past week! We can't wait to put you in the outfits and read you the books we got. We actually want to start reading you some books soon every night. We love you so much!
Mommy & Daddy

1 comment:

Meant to be a mom said...

Congrats on your 15 week mark!!!
I'm glad you guys had a good trip with each other. Getting away especially after all the ivf comotion and then the excitement of getting prego is so nice.
I can't wait to see your baby in there little onesy's. So cute!

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