Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Don't Mix...

So the stomach flu and pregnancy do not mix well at all! I got extremely sick on Sunday night, which continued throughout the day on Monday. I couldn't even keep a sip of water down. So my doctor suggested we go to the hospital or an urgent care facility around 4:00 p.m. on Monday. So in we go and sure enough I was dehydrated and had to have IV fluids. Unfortunately, the urgent care place we went to did not have a working doppler so we couldn't hear the babies heartbeat to make sure everything was ok, but the doctor we saw didn't seem concerned. On Tuesday I still felt so weak from not having had eaten a thing the day before so I stayed home from work once again and slept all day! I did manage to drink water and Pedialyte and have some dry toast and crackers so at least it was something in my system! I thought this morning I would be ok to go to work. I just was so nervous about taking another day off of work when I don't know what I am going to need off for in the future with this pregnancy. I took off a whole week during my IVF egg retrieval and egg transfer already so I have very limited days left. After being at work for a couple of hours I knew I couldn't stay there. So now I am at home reclining in our comfy chair, trying to stay awake! I must look terrible because on my way to the train from work I had a complete stranger stop me and ask me if I was ok because I looked so sick like I was going to pass out any second - geesh thanks!

Dear God,
Please watch over my baby! I don't care if I have to feel sick like this for weeks on end just make sure my baby is ok!
Alicia & Bob

Dear Baby,
Sorry if Mommy isn't doing such a good job of nourishing you right now - I am trying to get something in my system for you. Please stay strong. I really hope that when we have our ultrasound tomorrow you are just moving around like crazy!
We Love You!
Mommy & Daddy

1 comment:

Meant to be a mom said...

Bless your heart how terrible to be sick like that. I don't blame you for worrying about the baby. I'm glad you went to the urgent care though, That had to have helped getting those fluids.
I hope you get better soon!

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