Monday, May 4, 2009

Eventful Morning

We had an eventful morning that was not fun at all! I was spotting this morning and I completely freaked out and immediately called the doctor. I waited around the house for a while but they weren't calling me back and at that point the spotting had stopped so I went into the office. Once I got to the office they had called me back and told me they would like me to come in for a scan immediately! I was just starting to tell myself that things would be ok and when they told me they wanted me to come in right away I freaked out all over again. So Bob had to drive downtown and we went straight to the doctors office. My doctor was there for the scan (I haven't seen her since we started the process) and as soon as they entered the probe she excitedly said there's the baby and the heartbeat! Oh my what a relief that was! After the ultrasound we went into her office and she told me my due date (which I already knew from looking up online) and we talked about a bunch of other things. I felt SO much better walking out of the office, she is such a great doctor, she really put my mind at ease!

Dear God,
Thank you so much for watching over our beautiful baby today, please continue to bless our baby and watch over him/her and help them to continue to grow healthy and strong.
Alicia & Bob

Dear Baby,
Mommy and Daddy had such a scare this morning! We can't imagine you being taken away from us at this point. You are so incredibly loved and we were so scared that we were losing our greatest gift. Little baby stay strong and continue to grow healthy! We love you!
Mommy & Daddy


Unknown said...

Thank the Lord!

A n T said...

So glad to hear that things were A-Okay!

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