Monday, May 18, 2009

I Love Olives

Today I am 9 weeks! Our little baby is the size of a medium green olive now and weighs just a fraction of an ounce. All of his/her essential body parts are accounted for now and he/she is really starting to look like a human! His/Her embryonic tail is completely gone now and their organs, muscles and nerves are kicking into gear. The external sex organs are there but we won't be able to distinguish them for weeks (although Bob thinks it's a boy). I switch daily on what I think it is! I can't wait to find out though! The eyes are fully formed but will be fused shut until the 27th week. Any day now the placenta will take over from the yolk sac.

We had an ultrasound this morning and everything looked perfect! Baby's heart rate was 170 beats per minute, awesome! Baby has gotten so big since last week! I think we will only be going to the fertility doctor for 3 more visits and then I will be released to the OB. I have mixed feelings about this - I love my fertility doctor and everyone that works there, they are all SO nice and understanding. I like my OB too but it's just different there - I just feel like sometimes they aren't as sympathetic there. But graduating to the OB is a big step! I have learned some potentially scary news recently. I have scoliosis (curvature of the spine) and have been doing some research on scoliosis and pregnancy. Well since I haven't had an x-ray of my back in almost 20 years - I might not be able to get an epidural while in labor because the anestesiologist doesn't have anything to go by on where to put the needle! Are you kidding me, no epidural! That is a scary, scary thought and something I will be discussing with my OB on my first appointment with him!

Dear God,
Thank you for continuing to watch over our baby and allowing him/her to grow healthy and strong! Also, please bless a friend of mine who just found out her 2nd IVF attempt failed. Please watch over her and her husband in this difficult time!
Alicia & Bob

Dear Baby,
You are getting so big! Your little heart is beating like crazy - keep up the good work!
We Love you SO much!
Mommy & Daddy


Meant to be a mom said...

Wow your little one is growing so fast. Before you know it you'll know what it is and be giving them a name. SO MUCH FUN!
I'm glad your doing good minus the scary info about your epidural and scoliosis. YIKES!
I will definitely pray for you, and for your ivf friend.

Unknown said...

AWESOME! So glad to hear!

A n T said...

Where is the pic??

Sandy said...

I wouldn't worry about the epidural, I'm sure you will be able to get it. The doc will mainly be going off the curvature of your spine as you bend over. Not everyone has the same spine...I have an extra lumbar vert. so my spine curves like crazy, but front to back instead of side to side like yours, and he was fine. It worked, it ran out when I was 9.5 cm, but that had nothing to do with my back and more with the fact I was in labor for three days...yeah. Who diagnosed you with it?

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