Monday, March 2, 2009

One Week to Go

Next Sunday I will start my Lupron. I wish the time was here already. I feel like once I start that this will really be on it's way. The needles for the Lupron are pretty small so I don't think I will have too much of a problem with that. But of course I am so brave now - I am sure once it comes time to actually stick the needle in my stomach I will feel differently!

I have found myself lately saying things like, "When the baby is here" and such. After I say something like that I feel really guilty. Am I just setting myself up for failure by saying that, am I stupid in thinking that this is actually going to be it for us, am I getting ahead of myself. But I have to say it just feels so good to say something like that.

I have been praying a lot lately. In some ways I feel a sense of calm when I pray but then I hope that God doesn't think I am praying just because I want something. I am just trying to find a way to calm myself through everything and praying makes me feel like this is all more powerful than I am and that I just need to go through the flow and let things happen the way that they are supposed to happen.

Please God - Watch over Bob and I (and all other's going through IVF), give them the strength and courage to place everything in your hands and trust that we are just living your plan you have for us.


A n T said...

The needles are not bad at all. After you get past the first shot you will laugh at yourself for being so worked up. It will be a me. Now the PIO.....thats a different story. (((hugs)))

Kelly said...

Good luck babes-...keep your chin high, have lots of support and people prayin for you-... HUGS- I feel the same way sometimes when I pray... but thank God... God doesn't feel that way-...Love you guys !!

Sandy said...

God knows why you are praying, that is why he is there. And don't worry about jumping ahead by saying, 'when the baby is here'. I did that before Nathan, and did that when we thought we couldn't have a is normal when you are so excited about something. Good luck, we love you guys!

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